Monday, November 26, 2012

A wonderful weekend!

I have to tell all, I had just a wonderful weekend of family and relaxation to date.  Decorated for Christmas in a warm home is great for the soul! Had a nice dinner on Saturday, a spare of the type moment when we were just heading down to union beach for a ride, and decided to just stop and get some pizza, than it was off to the movies to see Twilight (breaking dawn part 2) which we all thought was the best one of them all!  My husband enjoyed it which for a guy is a miracle to say the least! I draged him to everyone one of them, but to my surprise he really liked this one. Than there was Sunday and visiting the mom-in-law with football all day and the piece of resistance was my Giants win and win they did big time for sure!!!  I keep on saying that the Giants will win the Superbowl again this year, I just have that feeling!   Time will tell!  Monday is here and I feel so good about my weekend that even work will not put a tamper on it!!!  Later my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!

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