Monday, April 16, 2012

So many things to do!

I have so much to do It is going to keep me busy for sure!  I sell Mary Kay, I sell Avon, I want to take on  something else maybe sell Miche Bags, I love them I have a 40 week and not to mention everything else I need to do and do. What am I complaining about at least I can do it all which is a good thing.  Right!  Life is good!

Friday, April 13, 2012


Not that anyway gives a hoot , well us women do, I am talking about the statement of women working at home, of is it work to be a stay at home mom. Well yes it is work to be a stay at home mom of course it is! but the statement of Hilary Rosen was not, at least in my eyes meant to say it was,nt what she was saying and of course what I think was she never went out and work in any job, part time or full time like most women do!  For them to have it on all news channels and make this into a big debate really makes me sick! Of course this not surprise me with a election right around the corner to make this into the debate of the year!  I could think of a lot of other topics to debate than this nonsensical crap!   If it was not a democrat who said it about a republican who would even care, would it even be a story!  Hell no!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sitting here!

I am sitting a my job and thinking when is this day going to end!  I hate when I get like that, life is so short as it is and I have to get bummer days when all I want is to get them over with!  I get moody when I just want to get a new life, but the funny part is I love what's in my life now, I just get this restless mood sometimes, but it passes real quick, thank the lord for that!! Be back when I have some good and positive things to say, don't worry it will not be long, I am like the weather , any given day it or I could change!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Update on Brian!

Called my cousin to ask about Brian,  He is moving along, as I said before it will be long and ruff ride to get Brian back to the way he was!  He has a trick now and the tube down the throat is out, not talking yet, but gives winks and smiles and other gestures to let him know his feelings as of now! Time, time and more time needed, but we will get our old Brian back thats for sure!

Baked Ziti Day!

I made 4 trays of baked ziti yesterday for my senior citizen Avon customers, it was very great  knowing they will be so happy to get it!  I mention baked ziti to them one day and that was it, they said can you make it we would love to have it!  I finally did it yesterday, and it is such a feel good feeling knowing they will all be happy and enjoy eating it!.  That is the least I could do for all these kind folks and very rewarding to me also to know that just a little jester of making something for someone is so greatly appreciated! Calling all of them today to tell them I will be there tomorrow with their dinner!  LOL

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

20 minutes!

Yes, end of day is here and now some time for some R & R.  Long day, I have to call my cousin to see how Brian is making out today, everyday is I am sure another hurdle to cross!  Easter is over and back to reality! I am hoping they might have taken the tube out of his mouth but I am sure that will come with time if not just yet!  Keep fighting Brian, everyday is another day of recovery and improvement!

Monday, April 9, 2012

My son

I am in the mood to talk about my son, why I don't know, I guess because I am one of the lucky ones.  He is such a good kid, by that I mean no drinking and drugs and hanging on streets. What else can a parent ask for, really at 18 soon to be 19, he is not partying non stop and sleeping to all hours of the day! Am I lucky or what, I say I was, don't get me wrong he likes to have fun but fun to him is not about drinking and getting so messed up you cannot even stand. He is responsible to the point of knowing that if he wants to be a police officer he has to have a perfect record with no problems at all!  He loves family and he really enjoys being a part of all the occasions, all of the time.  Yes, I would say I am very lucky indeed!