Monday, April 9, 2012

My son

I am in the mood to talk about my son, why I don't know, I guess because I am one of the lucky ones.  He is such a good kid, by that I mean no drinking and drugs and hanging on streets. What else can a parent ask for, really at 18 soon to be 19, he is not partying non stop and sleeping to all hours of the day! Am I lucky or what, I say I was, don't get me wrong he likes to have fun but fun to him is not about drinking and getting so messed up you cannot even stand. He is responsible to the point of knowing that if he wants to be a police officer he has to have a perfect record with no problems at all!  He loves family and he really enjoys being a part of all the occasions, all of the time.  Yes, I would say I am very lucky indeed!

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