Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Come on Lottery!

I am speaking to you, yea you, what are you waiting for, I am so ready for you to make my life complete!
I really did not think you would take this long, I have been longing for you all my life. Now that I am over (slightly over middle age) I need you now, so that when you come to me I could walk and enjoy your company. So please do not make me wait much longer I need you now, no more waiting!!!!!!!!  LOL

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Blog of the day!

I have to say I really do not have much to talk about , I could barley keep my eyes open to stay awake that is how bad I feel today! No I am not sick at all I think it is the weather that is making me feel like this day will never end and I need to find a bed to sleep day!  LOL It is now 12:11 in the afternoon here in good old New Jersey the garden state and believe me the gardens are being watered big time.  They say 2 more days of this, oh crap this is not good. I am dreaming of up and coming 3 day weekend! As they say fun fun fun is on my agenda!  No rain in forcast, what more could you ask for.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Rude people! Not good!

I hate rude people, especially when it is someone you know, it happen to me over weekend and it is so unbelievably rude especially when someone is doing you a favor! All I could say is thank you lord for me being me. I might be over the top, I might say things before I think, I might have issues behind close doors, but I never and I do mean never take or have attitude with people I know no matter what age or person it is! All I could say is it is so uncool to be that way and I am so glad I am the way I am!  Proud to be me for sure!!!  It really is in the genes thank you MOM!!!


Weekend was so beautiful in the great state of New Jersey, and than this, rain rain and more rain, they are saying till at least Thursday....  NOOOOOOOOOOOOO  not good, now I know it will be a long week at work and an aggravating week for sure!!!  Oh well whats a women to do, chins up  and bare it!!!  We are durable for sure!!!  LOL

Thursday, May 17, 2012

To funny!!!

Someone from my past requested me as a Facebook friend his name is Mark, I write back and say so glad to hear from you Mike, forgetting that when we were younger I always called him Mike not Mark, needless to say he refreshed my memory on that issue. I really need to remember his real name Mark, Mark , Mark LOL.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Why on earth!

Do I ever get involved in stocks is beyond me. Grant you it is not a lot of money but enough that when the market goes down so does $500.00 of my hard earn cash.  I let my husband talk me into it, and I should not be surprise I would be feeling like I do right about now!.  His track record for stock investments is not good at all.  Have to get it out, but when is the question.

Aunt Connie!

Today is my Aunt Connie's and Aunt Dolores's birthdays, they are twins, but sadly my Aunt Connie passed away a short time ago, the memories I have with these two woman are such a big part of my life. They both hold a piece of it and always will. Aunt Connie, I miss you each and every day!  I did not have to see you everyday to know that if I needed you, you would be there for me.  I miss that a lot, you are part of my heart always.  Aunt Dolores, what could I say, strong beautiful and a good human being!  This is a ruff day for you and I know you loved your sister immensely! I take comfort in knowing she is in heaven with people that love her so much, when her time came they were waiting for her at those pearly gates with open arms! Love you both, and all the memories of my growing up years, you two are such a big part of it!  XXOO