Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hot Hot real Hot!

Summer is here for sure, I live in New Jersey and right now it is 97 degrees, am I ready for this, heck no! I like winter around  Christmas time and that's it. Love summer when it is in the low 80's and spring when it feels like spring, My complete favorite time of the year is fall, I love, love love it!   It starts off all the holidays and love the colors of the leaves and foliage!  Such a beautiful time of year!!  This hot weather is not enjoyable to me unless your a fish and love to be in the water!  I use to like to tan, but when you get to my age you try to stay out of the sun so you don't age more!  The young girls of today look so pretty with the tans, the problem is that when they get to be my age, they will look even older than me!  I am so glad I got that when I was younger and took care of my skin.  We were having dinner in a restaurant and these two women walk in with such deep tans and there skin was a mass of wrinkles, they had on beautiful clothes and you could tell they had money, but there skin was just awful! They thought they looked good, but truth be told they did not, there skin was so damaged I felt bad for them to be honest!  Being the vain type I am (only being honest with you)  I want to grow old gracefully, but I don't want all the wrinkles on the face!  I know, it will all catch up in the end, but please just a while longer.  LOL!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Its official Rob is now a High School Graduate, and now onto the College years and much success in all his future endeavors.  I know he could do it and we will be behind him 100%.  Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Like all other parents out there, we unite to make sure our children achieve there dreams, that is my purpose in life and I am sure it is most parents goal to give their child a future in life!!!  I could not be anymore prouder than I am in him than right at this moment!  On to the future Rob and may all your dreams come true!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Almost a 2012 Graduate!

Heading in 2 hours to graduation for Robbie, so proud of him! Its great being a mom!!  Short but oh so sweet! LOL

Hernia almost positive!

Went to Doctor and she is pretty sure it is a flare up and now for more test and most likely an operation, all I could say is thank God it happen now and not for my August vacation, did not get insurance for flight. I know stupid mistake what could I say!! Brains has not been a strong suit for most of my life why change it now. LOL  I hate when everything changes, not a good quality of mine for sure. I also hate the idea of having to get an operation again.  I know me though I will bounce back right away, I hate being idle to long, just not me.  I did speak with someone who said you feel much better in a few days, you just cannot and he said cannot pick up anything at all heavy. So this time I will follow orders for sure!  In pain right now as I write this, but there is no way I will miss my sons Graduation ceremony tonight, I waited for this day all my life and now here it is! Tomorrow I go for a test and Monday of next week back to Doctor, as long as no more issues come up I could take it slow!  It is what it is and there is nothing I could do about it! Think positive Fran is all I could say to myself!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Off to Doctors tonight!

After a full week and a half of having abdominal pains with not much relief in site, and managing to get through the party I planned on Sat for my son it is time for the Doctor tonight at around 6PM. Pain on right side is always there and me being the doctor I think I am has some opinions on this situation! LOL It could be one of three things no make that four things, 1) gas,  2) lapband 3) appendix 4) hernia. I know when I go there tonight it will be a waste because all they will say is you have to have test done!  I saw dread all that stuff and if the pain would have went away I would not even be going tonight, and my whole family would have killed me for sure if I did not!  Unfortunately the pain is still there and before anything happen like it bust or something I have to go big time! With the August trip around the corner, it will be hear before you know it can not take any chances of not taking care of this problem now.  So wish me luck and I will fill you in on results!!! 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Not so exciting for sure!

See I knew it, to have a blog you need pazzaz and something interesting going on in your life, for me the only interesting thing is following the future of my son!! LOL. That is why my blog is called what it is Not so excititng maybe a little!  My map was really getting green now it is only a little green boo hoo !  My blog map that is,  even Russia is loosing interest in my everyday life!  I guess I could lie and say a bunch of bull crap, but why its not me.  The point is to let you know what everyday stuff I do which is not so glamorous at all and is the real deal! I have to figure out what will hold the interest of my follow bloggers.  It for sure is not about me and my life!  LOL   I really to love being me, at least I could laugh at what I want and what I know is only a possibility! You know dreams and wishes do happen though, you can never say never!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Not good!

Fighting some kind of stomach virus, or at least it feels like that. It started on weekend and even today I feel like crap, big time!  All I keep saying is not now not now, tonight have to finish shopping for food for party on Sat. than I have to prepare it all Thursday and Friday. Lots of running around to do in between it all and feeling the way I do, is not going to be a good experience at all. This is the worst of timing ever.  I thought my stomach was getting back to feeling better but today the pains and rumbling are there and hurting like the dickens. Just have to zone it out and move along the best I could..  I have the lap band so of course the first thing my family thinks of something is wrong with it and than they proceed to lecture me. LOL My son Robbie is the worse, if he sees me throw up and that is only if I eat a tad to much, he freaks big time.  Oh well at least I know they care. But I am really not in the mood for lectures at this point!