Thursday, May 24, 2012

Bowling Scholarship money!

I wanted to mention this because, one of the scholarships he received was from bowling! Since he was around 9 years old he has been bowling on a Saturday league each year!  From that he received $1020.00  to be applied to a college of his choice.  I am mentioning it because Robbie's earning were good but there is some kids who are getting a lot more than that!  I have seen children as young as 5 or 6 yrs of age bowling and by the time they are seniors in High School they have a very large scholarship fund ready for them!  Like I always say every bit helps and it is helping me!  In my area we have Jersey Lanes, a great children's league and great coaches with a lot of scholarship programs to benefit from!  I am sure if you look in your area you will also have one!  It truly is a good environment for kids!

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