Thursday, May 24, 2012

I have moments! (quite a lot)

I have moments when, I really hate what I do, and than I have moments I love it all! Am I Bipolar? lol ney, moody not really, The only time I am at my worse is when I get home from work and walk in the house and that is when the venting me comes out! I think the problem is that I have to be to agreeable at my job when all I want to do is just be what I always am just plain old me!  Believe me I am not the only one like this, I was over a friends house and her daughter said mom when you walk in the house you yell like a crazy person. LOL There it was right in front of me, I thanked God I am not alone, Thank you  thank you, I am thinking to myself, now I know I am not Bipolar!  No medication for this girl. You know what, I decided to stop analyzing myself and  just go with the flow. You know what they say you cannot teach an old girl new tricks.  The funny part of this is when I am quiet and mellow, everyone thinks I am sick or not feeling well, go figure right I can't win if I tried!   I love my life and that is what matters most of all, happiness and being loved!

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