Monday, June 25, 2012

Doctors appointment!

Well off to see Doctor at 5:30 today and hope the news is that I could put off any operation until Sept. at least!  I will promise to be very careful of not picking up any heavy objects for sure!  I really hate all this stuff, why can't things just run smoothly, I know, it would be way to easy for that!  LOL  Have to see Doctors 2 times this week and next week, Monday and than Friday for them to check out my band to make sure all is okay with that!  What a pain in the butt this is. I love when I am in top form and healthy as an ox, but we all know that is not always the situation!  It sucks to get old!  What am I saying, I could have gotten a hernia at 28 yrs old too. Being 56 is not the end of the world, I still have a few more good years before everything starts shutting down, I hope! Think positive Fran, thing all will be fine!

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