Friday, June 22, 2012

Kids, right from wrong!

One of my blogger Friends brought to my attention, that not all parents are to blame, and in all honesty he or she is right!  In a fit of anger I wrote about the parents being to blame, I guess I figured a parent knows their child's particular personalities and would know if their child would be that way because it is hard to hide rudeness or any other trait that they might have.  But my blogger friend is right, kids know what is right from wrong and should be held responsible for their own actions.  But I do feel guidance from parents and showing them right from wrong is the responsibility of a parent!  Now, them following it is not always a parents fault! So to all parents out there, when a child reaches a certain age, right from wrong is not a question anymore but plain common sense!  Thank You blogger friend for reminding me of that!  Just plain out need to vent!

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