Thursday, June 7, 2012

Memory of my dream!

I was reading an article a young women wrote about dreams she had and would write about. It brought back a beautiful dream I would have a lot and it always brought me back to a time, that I swear I felt I lived there.  It always started with a large house and I mean large like a mansion type.  I remember the rooms as if I lived there and even the furniture was so real, It had this gigantic room with the most beautiful furniture and a fireplace and so much more, it felt so so real, but the best part of the dream is when I wanted to hide and I would go though these secret rooms and no one could find me.  I would be reading or painting and it was such a beautiful feeling of calm and peacefulness. I would wake up in the morning and always remember that dream because it felt more real to me there than being where I was!  I had the same dream for years and I can still picture it now as if it was yesterday!! Going to sleep for me was magical!  I sometimes wonder if I really was there in another time!  There was no faces and people just me and this magical mansion in a place I truly believe I once was.

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