Friday, June 29, 2012

Writing block!

I must have tried to sit down about 10 times and write what was on my mine, and everything was coming out wrong.  Writers block is so true.  Even when I am writing this article I am back spacing and changing words and forget about  the spelling, word spelling is the only thing that is keeping me going!  lol  I have so much I want to write about , like people who inspire me, people who push themselfs to the limit, people who love others uncontionally and so on!  The list goes on forever!   I have such a great story for a book with a great title, but I need that push to get it started and the people power to help me put it together!  Some how writing for me, even if it is not the best has become my best friend!  Who would of thought that I would enjoy it so much, not me thats for sure!  I really surpised myself  but in a good way, So much out there to write about, everyday experiences of lives that are just beginning and of lives that have ended and should be told!  And look at me now, like magic my writing block has disapeared and my best friend is back!

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