Friday, July 13, 2012

It's not over till its over!

Hi to all, I have to tell you, I read an article today that made my day, It is about this women Etta Britt at 55yrs old, who just signed a recording contract. Now we all know that the music industry is a big thing for the young, you start out young and get old in front of the public.  Very seldom do you start out old!  It confirms my feelings of never giving up no matter the age you are and that favorite quote of mine its not over till its over!  I mean over, 10 ft under the ground with flowers growing, over!!!  Live your life to the fullest and enjoy each and everyday of it!  Young is a state of mine not body!!!! If you want something go out and get it, do it, be it!  No late bloomers here, just think its the time and I am ready world, are you ready for me kinda of thing..  Love to all and remember, your just beginning!

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