Friday, July 13, 2012

Rosie and me!

Only two of us in office for at least 3 hours now, Rosie as you all must know by now is a dog, one of a kind and pretty much one of the best behave dogs ever!!!!!  That's saying a lot because I have 5 of my own and although they are well behaved, Rosie is like no other, a personality so sweet it is surreal. I really cannot say enough about this animal, if that is what you want to call her. She is such a calm dog , I wish I could be that calm.  I might have to talk dog talk to her and find out her secret for sure! I am sure she is a good listener and she will not talk back at all.  Rosie and I connect more in the office than I do with the people here. She does not judge me or yell at me and she does not think she is better than me!  What else can a working girl ask for! True friends forever, Rosie girl!

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