Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Good good morning!

Hi all, a great big beautiful day is here, hump day as we all call it middle of week with 2 more days to go till the weekend!  I have to say my weeks are flying by big time!  Next Friday at 2:30 I will leave work and off on vacation to CA. The week will fly by, positive of that but fun times will be had!  But a break I need and when I come back I will be good as new!  There is nothing like a tuneup right! LOL Trying to get Rob, set up with his school books for college before we go! Hoping to get his script for movie before we go, so much going on and feeling a little overwhelmed, but in a good way!  Life is good when busy this way you know you are not dead!  Does that sound right? Oh well thats Fran (me) talking and do I ever make sense, I think not! Later my friends!

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