Monday, August 13, 2012

Horoscope update (Aries) 8-13-12

Well I have to say this update has to relate to another Aries because it sure is not me! LOL
It reads: You've been enjoying plenty of unscheduled time.  Now it's time to get back into a routine and get busy with various projects.   ( Are you talking to me, are you talking to me) forgot what movie that's from, just picture me saying it with a Italian stallion kinda of attitude LOL! I did not even get started yet(vacation that is) and they are telling me it is all ready over!  Noooooooooooooo not yet at least give me my week, than you could say that to me! I promise after the week you could Let me at em again! No really I promise, cross my heart and a kiss to God!  Amen!

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