Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Start of the day!

I really enjoy the start of my work day, especially when I am the first one in the office, air condition turned on if needed, coffee is brewing, computer turned on and a peacefulness feeling sets in. It makes for a great way to start the day! Its a Wednesday morning hump day as it is being called on face book and the weekend is closing in once again! What more can you ask for, it really does not take much to make me happy, just quite and calm is a good thing, when you get to my age that seems to be the only thing that matters!  No, I'm not dead I just enjoy some calm, don't we all!  Oh, did I tell you the problem I had yesterday is done and removed!  See what I mean, why did it even have to get to that point! I will never understand man!  I really think they sometimes like all the drama, really I do! They like it and they like to blame it all on you!  Okay if it makes you feel better no problem, you could think that as long as you know that I know its all you! LOL  I am by far not a perfect person , but I am so right on this!

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