Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Horoscope update (8-1-12)

Okay guys, here it goes my beloved horoscope that always seems to me like a bunch of crap, LOL sorry I just felt like saying that but really it is, it reads You'll be willing to open new doors in the pursuit of fun and you don't have to wonder what will bring you pleasure, because you'll be drawn inexplicably to such things. Wait I have to re-read this again to get its meaning,  Okay got it, I think, I am always willing to open doors for fun and I am drawn to being happy not sad!  My personality is just that, happiness is my middle name, the people around me is what brings me down and gets me to being the demon from hell so to speak! I don't have to wonder what brings me pleasure, associating myself with nice people is one factor I need to take care off!  Life is way to short to be around un-happy people with pusses on their faces 24/7. 

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