Wednesday, October 17, 2012

(3:10pm) count down to home!

You all know what that means days almost over and home to the family, here I come! I don't think they mine so much, since I took the hubby's advise and left the stress at the office!  How right he was, I should have listen to him a lot sooner. I hope its not to late, you know what I mean the heart attack waiting to happen thing!  LOL, only kidding I will be just fine!   I so love chilly nights and a good movie and everyone home safe and sound and together,even the dogs love it, call me corny what could I say, I am just me and I love that about myself!  I am loving each and every day as if it was my last!  Life is good!  See ya later and have a great night or day, (depending) enjoy my friends!

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