Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My son calls me!

Hi everyone, my son Rob, which I am sure you all know by now (lol) calls me to say mom, I got an 87 on my math test.  I thought it was great, but he continued to say I wish it was higher.  I wrote an article some time last week about kids in college which this is a perfect example of what I was saying! The stress of passing and doing good, the stress of failing.  He wanted to do better, I get it but it was a good grade and I let him know that!  It was bothering him, and I am so happy he reached out about it and as a parent I or his dad was there to let him know, you did good, and we are proud of you!  I am so enjoying this experience of Rob's college years, it is another journey for him as well as for us!  So glad he knows we will be there for him every step of the way! Being close by and physically seeing him works for us! No regrets whats so ever that he went to a local college!  Another proud article from a proud parent!

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