Friday, October 26, 2012


I was down the cellar putting cloths in the dryer while my son was taking a shower, that next thing I hear is flowing water, my sewer pipe has a hole in it!  Not a great way to start the day, I could not fine the number for the plumber so I had to call my mother-in-law and explain the situation at 6:30 in the morning in complete detail! So after it stop leaking I dried the pipe and put duck tape over the little hole, good thinking right! Nope not to the hubby, he said I was crazy LOL thats nothing new!  Well, the good news is the hole is right over the sun pump and  I finally got the plumber, he will be here after 3 pm today  thank God, the bad news more money! I swear when it rains it sure does pour!  No matter what  I will make this weekend as good as the past three weekends were so help me God! Latter my friends!

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