Friday, October 26, 2012

Horoscope update! Aries-10/26/12

This one is good and boy does it relate to my life, It reads: You can spot irritable people at a distance. If you can't avoid them all together, you take care not to arouse antagonism on any level.  Really now how do you do that, I will tell you how!  I am around irritable people 24/7, just a statement, a question will set of fireworks that will make you say, what am I doing here!  It is so much easier said than done but you do what you have to do!  Sure I would love not to even have to deal with a person or persons like that but certain things are not under my control and being made to look stupid has been a big part of my life the last  14 yrs you kinda get used to it!  But and there is a but,  I know, me , myself and I know, I am far from stupid and that's all that really matters.  No one and I mean no one will take my worth from me come hell or high water!  Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Try as you may, not going to happen! Oh and I forgot you could take that to the bank!

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