Friday, July 20, 2012

What a senseless act of violence

I really cannot believe you can not even go to a movie and feel safe any more!  Last night my son went to the midnight showing also but we live in New Jersey. Very seldom does he go but his friend has been down from Virginia and he wanted to go!  Now I know why I very seldom never let him go to the midnight movies but he is now 19yrs old and I really have no control over saying to him Rob you cannot go to the midnight movie.  Now as I write this I wonder how many parents would have loved to tell their child, no you can not go the the movies this late!  Over protective, there really is no such thing as that anymore, you are just trying to keep them safe, so they can have a long and healthy life!  God bless all who were killed and hurt in the shooting and may the killer pay for what he did!  A long long life in prison and may he rot in hell there!  Death for him is way to easy!

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