Monday, August 6, 2012

Hello my friends!

You know, you are, I love weekends I know you know that, but the only thing is I am so busy running around and doing things I have no time to talk on my blog because the family has me doing other things! My son Rob is on kicks of taking rides and site seeing with the family!  He is 19 years old and rather hang out with us is just amazing to me and I thank God every day, he is the way he is!  I do want him to get out with friends, don't get me wrong there are those times he hangs out and does things, but not as much as other kids his age!  He programs himself to stay out of trouble because his ultimate goal before anything else is to be a police officer or anything with law enforcement!  He does not want to be around trouble, I cannot blame him can you.  Talk to you later my friends!

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