Monday, August 6, 2012

What a great night (Sunday)

Sunday was a great night! (well I have to say) Rob did great at the fashion show and the runway!  He came walking out with that model face and strutted his walk just right!  Loved it!  A lot of the guys model 4 outfits each and of course came out with everyone at the end for the finale.  He did not look nervous at all and his self confidence was amazing for the first time being in front of all those people! When you get to the end of walkway photos were going off like crazy, it was a great experience and we were so proud of him!  My brother-in-law who always complains about thinks to his own admittance said he had a great time and Robbie did great!  To top the night off when we got home we recorded an episode of NYC22 and Robbie had a little scene in that and we got a great look at him on TV, all in all it was a great way to end the night and the weekend!!!!!! 

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