Thursday, August 2, 2012

I will talk in riddles!

I talk in riddles because there are times when you want to say things, but you just are not able to , this is one of those times!  Silent I will be, mouth closed, stay on my best behavior and no drama whats so  ever! Zip it closed! Not a word, remember that!  Deal with it and in the end it will pay off!  Life's pleasures will come my way in time and all problems before that will be just a distant memory.  Its all part of my life's plan, but in the end I am a firm believer that all will end well!  This blog gives me a chance to let feelings out that other wise would just fester, and we all pretty much know the complications of that! I say to myself I understand, no problem, okay, your right, I am an Idiot, But I know who I am and what I want, and in time I will get it! This is a promise to myself so help me God!

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