Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lunch NJ time!

At my desk eating an early lunch, not quite sure I told you guys, I have a Lap Band! (senile moment) It is truly hard to eat a lot of foods for me!  I am right now attempting to eat egg salad on rye toast.  Of course I will not be able to eat it all a few bites if I am lucky.  I hate when I waste money on food when I buy it out!  I could be saving my dollar bills in my jar instead of wasting it! My breakfast is always a protein drink, and I think I will go back to protein drinks for lunch also!  With a lab band you could eat a lot of junk food, that always goes down easy without feeling like you will get sick!  Food is a state of mine, when I had it done 3 years ago, my mine was trained on not feeling hungry, just because the band was there for back-up!  I really am never ever hungry like I used to be, food was my everything, now I eat just because I have to!  The one thing I have learn is to stay away from food with sugar, that really kicks in the cravings for more food with sugar and the mine sometimes cannot get the thoughts of food out of it!  If that makes sense.  Oh well I know what I mean at least!  This is my blog, right!  LOL  Later all, talk to you when I talk to you!  Thanks followers once again my views are really climbing, who would have thought you would even care about little old me!

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