Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hey all!

I know, have not been writing as much as usual, reason being absolutely nothing of interest to say! I am beyond bored to death, and still trying to get things rolling with my Notary business! My son went to his first acting class last night and enjoyed it!  The teacher is thinking of doing one on one with him because he has his acting role coming up, so we have to discuss it!  As always or if not a lot more than usual, I am experiencing restlessness. For the life of me I can not describe this feeling of take me away Calgon!  I do not mean away from my life and family, not at all, if you ask me I must being going through my changes (which I thought I been there and done that type of thing). This feeling will pass, it always does and than the mine springs back to life with all my hair brained ideas.  I could tell you one thing today is a beautiful day, now to just work on this mood thing and all will be good to go!

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