Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How cool is this!

My blog is reaching so many, and of course me being me needs to tell you!  United States 27%  Australia 5% , Taiwan 4%, Canada 4% , Turkey 3%, United Kingtom 3% and last but by far not least China  54%   Thanks to all for caring about my Not so exciting life maybe a little blog!  When I decided to write my everyday life, I figured it would give me something to do, never thinking that anyone would really care about me at all! Of course the one thing anyone should do is assume anything at all!  When I assume things it means I get myself into trouble or I am pretty much dead wrong!  In this case I was dead wrong about all of you guys and I thank you!  The antics of this middle-age Italian women from New Jersey who gets stressed from almost everything around her, but truly loves life even with all the complaints, which half the time is her own making ( well at least that is what her husband says) bull crap for sure,  has reached a lot of you to my surprise and joy!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!  I promise to continue to just be me and hopefully I will not bore you to death! LOL

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