Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Yup, that's is what I had for sure, have no idea why , yea I know why it pretty much went like this, Friday was in great mood, knew I had a 3  day weekend to look forward to so I was feeling great! Saturday came still in great mood doing things that needed to be done! Sunday, meltdown day, why you ask, okay I will tell you, after busting my butt in the house and running around, a little help is not much to ask, so what is so hard with asking my husband when you let the dogs out, and they come back in please make sure Bella, which is in the time of month frame( like us women) to put back on her diaper, so it does not get on rug or furniture, if I said it once I have said it 20 times.  Well you guessed it, it did not sink in and me and my Italian temper just lost it!  I could have won an Oscar for this one, I ranted and raved for a good 2 hours and what I did not say about that and a thousand other things that I wanted to say to him or anyone that got in my way(for that matter)!  I'm human right, give me a break please, I work at a job with stress, I come home clean,and more cleaning, shop for grocery, do wash take care of dogs(5) keep up with the yard and have a clean and spotless house which I am sure you all appreciate.  I vented and walked around for most of the day with a puss on my face that for me was not in character at all!  Do you want to know what my husband says to me, why are you in a bad mood, what started you off!  Guess what guys he started me off all over again, I don't think he will ask that question again! LOL. As for Monday it was a perfect day! The yelling and screaming turned out to be the best medicine for me in the long run, do I think he and my son got the message, hell no, but it made me feel better in the long run.

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