Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Quite time and politics!

Home from work and just enjoying some quite time, calm and relaxed is the best! Me and the hubby looking at Chris Mathews on Msn NBC. My mom-in-law hates this channel she is a Fox news channel person.  I really believe the Fox channel has one of those swirly things with the colors that hypnotize you! LOL no seriously I think it says hate Obama , hate Obama and the swirly thing does something to your mine and the results is you hate Obama!   LMAO, The family tease my mother-in-law horribly and she gets so mad when my husband, nephew and son do that!  She once was a die-hard Democrat and now is a die- hard Republican.  I don't have a problem with anyones political views, we all have choices.  The problem I do have is, when I walk through the door, do not beat me over the head trying to change the way I see things.  I am a firm believer to each their own.  You like who you like I like who I like, that's your opinion and I have my opinion!  I have learned that politics and talk can turn out very deadly to say the least!  I do not pretend I know much at all about politics! Most of the time I pretty much feel they say what they know you want to hear and than pretty much do nothing at all!  We all have a form of tunnel vision, one way or the other!  If you talk to a Democrat they blame Republicans and visa versa!  Me I just think in 2 weeks we will know who the President will be, and than I pray please make it better, please make the changes you promise, please do not let us down again!

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