Wednesday, October 24, 2012

So far, so good!

Things are moving along so fast.  Can you believe it is almost Halloween than Thanksgiving & Christmas or whatever other holiday all my friends get to enjoy! Today I am feeling very content, if that is the right word to use!  I love when I feel like that, sometimes in life things just go as planned and it is just so wonderful!  Rob (my son) is doing great in his first year of college, no questions need to be ask because it is very obvious to us he has everything under control and he knows we are here for him!  His acting classes are going very well, and he feels he is improving on his acting also! He knows January will be here before you know it and the movie will begin filming his parts, so ready he will be! I have learned my not so exciting life might not be exciting to anyone but me, but you know what that is okay! Each and every day all that matters is family, love of life and the joys of future days to come!

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