Monday, October 8, 2012

Tossed and turned!

Had a great weekend and Sunday morning slept in late, the problem was Sunday night, all I did was dream of loved ones gone and tossed and turn all night! The good news is all I dreamed of was the people I loved and cared about the most, this blog is for them. My grandfather, the first man I ever loved with his warm smile I will never forget, My grandmother, who I cried for days on end knowing I will never see her in this lifetime again, My mom, my greatest supporter who loved me for me and was there for us all the time, God let you stay with us till we were grown and with families knowing we would be okay! My father-in-law, had a stern look but was there for you whenever you needed him. My sister-in-law Patty, a quite soul with a heart of gold, gone to soon, Mr Baird a big part of the family who would tell his jokes and make everyone laugh, even if he told them a million times, My dear Aunt Connie, she would be there for me in a minutes notice if needed and her Birthday calls to me each and every year to say Happy Birthday Fran, and to my Father, to all the what ifs and the could have beens if all was different in our lives!  Tossing and turning was okay last night I was with those I loved and missed the most in this world, the tears flowed even in my not so sound sleep, I know this because my pillow was wet with tears!

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