Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The whether outside is delightful!

Love the whether today in New Jersey, what a beautiful day, and I am loving it, I read my horoscope and it is confusing me a little, (what else is new) it reads it may seem to you that it will be difficult for you to predict where you'll be next month, only because your needs are so rapidly changing, declining and developing anew. Now I am confused, I know I will be the same place I always am , my needs change each and every day, that's so true but for sure nothing is developing much in the anew dept.  which would be great if it was!  Now more confused than when I first started the day! LOL  Why can't the horoscope predict you will hit the lottery today and live in a luxury hi-rise on the water!  Go Figure, you gotta love it! 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

To Russia with Love!

To my friends in Russia thanks for the follow, you have been great even though, my jibber jabber is constant!  I love that you enjoy reading my blog and find it entertaining!  My friends in the US of A thank you also for the follows and a little bit of Germany, China, you are all making my Blog just skyrocket to the top!  Who would have thought that this Italian girl from NJ would even interest people, but I am so glad I do and you are sticking with me through it all! 

Did I ever tell you!

I breed Shih Tzu, I think I did, but just chalk it up to another senille moment, I just thought about it right at this moment, a face book friend which we sold a puppy to from our first litter has been posting pictures of him his name is teddy and he his such a cutie,  I believe he has to be about 3 years old by now.  But Shih Tzu's are such great lab dogs and the good thing is no shading. I personally have 2 girl and 2 boys and 1 rat terrier all great dogs. Bella my girl dog just had a litter on march 26 now Brie my other girl will be mated with Benji our male this month beginning of Aug. just waiting for you know what and than 10 days from that point is the time.  After we are done mating them then our breeding days are over. Just 5 times each girl.  Bella will be going on 4th time in 6month and Brie this will be her first this August.  We had no intention of getting another on but we kept 1 from her second litter which gave us 5 dogs. I know I am nuts, but as long as my house is spotless and does not smell of dog all is good! You have to keep them all groomed and clean it makes for a better day!  Believe me I have this down pat! LOL

My Aunt!

I am sitting here and eating chocolate pudding, and out of the clear I think to myself I have to call my Aunt!  You know something, I said to myself after my other aunt passed last year I was going to make a point of calling my other Aunt more often, I need to keep that promise. I love this person and when things are not in my life any longer, I am tired of saying I should have, I regret that and all the what if  I would have crap.  So later I promise to me, I will call my dear Aunt just to say hello to her!  This I promise so help me God!

So far so good!

Having a great day, no drama no words being exchange all quiet on the western front, ( LOL I always wanted to say that) no really I have to say I am so enjoying today, its days like this with no tension and no stress, that makes me love my job so much.  I could work forever on days like this and do not mind a bit!  I just think stress kills and I really want a long life to enjoy all those I love!  Of course we all feel that way, but most of  us have options and you just have to chose what option is best for you!  Going to get a bite to eat will be back later to let you know if I am still in that frame of mind mode!!!  I sure hope so!!!!!!!!!!!

Still waiting!

Still waiting on whether Rob has part they said he will know at end of month, so still hoping.  The only thing is he told me he gets killed in the end!  Not good, not good at all!  I have to watch my son get killed that will be hard for me. But it is acting and that's what it is all about! Next Saturday on August 3, is his modeling show, the designers wanted his measurements and he is really excited about it!  Already purchases my tickets for show!  How weird will it be to see my son on the walkway!  Can not wait!!!!   Managers, talent agencies and agents will be there from New York.  Great way to show case yourself! So now we just wait to see if anything happens, we all it is not easy in the world of movie land and the fashion Industry!

Morning guys!

I wrote this whole blog and do you believe I deleted it so I guess I will just make it short and kinda of sweet, Good morning to you all,  Off to work in about 15min. and in a good mood to face the day!  I saw want to stay that way and my goal is to, come hell or high water! LOL  Wish me luck, counting the days to the weekend which the older I get the more I love!  That makes sense right the older you get the more relax time you want!  So not me and I really do love to keep myself busy, but the big question is busy at what! I am pretty sure I will find my calling. Life has always come around full circle and things always work themselves out !  Could it be the 3 Guardian angels on my shoulders looking out for me! I believe so!