Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The whether outside is delightful!

Love the whether today in New Jersey, what a beautiful day, and I am loving it, I read my horoscope and it is confusing me a little, (what else is new) it reads it may seem to you that it will be difficult for you to predict where you'll be next month, only because your needs are so rapidly changing, declining and developing anew. Now I am confused, I know I will be the same place I always am , my needs change each and every day, that's so true but for sure nothing is developing much in the anew dept.  which would be great if it was!  Now more confused than when I first started the day! LOL  Why can't the horoscope predict you will hit the lottery today and live in a luxury hi-rise on the water!  Go Figure, you gotta love it! 

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