Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How happy am I?

I think to happy, why I am happy don't have a clue, but I will take it! Maybe the weather, or knowing vacation is right around the corner , something new and different to see and do! What ever it is I'll take it , manic episode has passed for now LOL. I didn't even know I was manic, (only kidding) but I must be with the mood swings going UP and going DOWN.  Can not blame change of life,  been there done that,(and that was not even close to what I have been going through recently) so I will sit here and try to figure what is going on in this little pee brain head of mine.  Just call me Dr. Fran, I could fix problems in the drop of a hat!  See guys I told you I was in a good mood!  Oh well, I am going to enjoy it while I can and the brain waves are still communicating the good vibes!  Wow, I really am nuts LOL later folks! May the good spirits be with you. Stop Fran, Stop enough already!

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