Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Just read and article!

Christian Bale was never my favorite actor, I have watch a few of his movies and never got into the parts he played so to me he was just another actor. Now of course I have a very different opinion of him and it has nothing to do with his acting at all,  it is his compassion and caring and the complete I don't care if I am a celebrity attitude that makes me respect this man more than anything! He took it upon himself to go to Colorado and show how much he cared for what happened there!  Was it his fault, of course not, did he have to go not at all, did he choose to go yes he did!  We as just everyday normal people always seem to forget that Celebrities are people too. They are not above caring about what is going on in the world around them!  Christian Bale showed us that when he chose to go to Colorado and showed just how much he truly cared!

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