Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Reality hits again!

Each and every day is a blessing for all of us, reality has hit again with the loss of my son Robbie's friend Cynthia, she was killed in a car accident yesterday and it hit Rob hard!  He said mom, she just moved to South Carolina from the next town over and she loved it so much!  She was 18 yrs old and her life was cut down so short!  She was driving her car and a man who had a heart attach crashed directly into the driver side of her car killing her instantly it turned out to be a 6 car collision and she was the only one that died!  She had her seat belt on and followed all the rules and still she was in harms way! Life is not fair for sure and you have to wonder why these things happen, and who is the chosen few that get picked at such a young age and for no apparent reason!  I hope that God has a reason for taken her so soon and she has a mission to come back and look over all those that love her so much!  I know that Robbie is trying to understand the reasons but it is very hard for him to grasp the finality of it all even at the age of 19 years old!  Kids always believe they will live for ever because they are young!  As we all well know not always!

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