Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What could have been!

Tension was ruff today, but all is well on the western front (so to speak) all in all it is turning out to be a nice day and that makes me happy!  Things happen and personalities clash but everything always turns out good, in the long run!  Thank God for that!  Two more hours than home and relaxation!   With all the things happening around me it makes me glad that all I love is safe and sound!  Hearing about my sons friend really gets me thinking on how a life can get snuff out in a blink of an eye.  I really try not to be that type of person who walks around with the word morbid thoughts on my face, but being sad for others always makes my mine go in a hundred different directions and makes me always remember life is so short!  I hate that, everyone should live forever and a day! But God had other plans so new batches of us get made each and every day and the old and sometimes young have to go, go figure right, the way of the world..  To change the subject, LOL did I say things were running smoothly well guess what they went back into tension mode again!!  I just want calm!

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