Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Who needs a sauna!

Just go to New Jersey and its yours for the taken and right now with this heat wave, so is a lot of other states.  I had to go to bank for work and I went outside and the heat just was like pow right in the face! I like hot weather but this is to hot and since I do not have Raquel Welshes body, clothes are a must. LOL To much information, I know whats a girl (women) to do but just be honest and come out with it!  The T-shirt look is good, but a bathing suit top would be a whole lot better!  Fran, just keep dreaming, maybe in another life, if you do not come back as a dog, you will have the perfect body to go along with a perfect face, but not this time around!  AHHH to dream, okay end of that issue and time to move on to next, yes one more hour to go and I am outta of here!  I don't know about you but, when the end of the day comes it such a great feeling to be going home!  I feel that way on a Friday, knowing that for 2 days I can do what ever I want to do without being told to do this or to do that!  I am in control and I love it! But you know what the funny part is that when Sunday comes along and you know the next day is work, I am not upset at all that I have to go!  Years ago when I was a kid I so hated Mondays, I really felt horrible on Sunday nights and I made myself miserable.  I knew I had school the next day, I hated school. I now came to the conclusion that I really do not mine my job at all, but I really do need the 2 days to recuperate and than I am ready for the daily grind of the treaded Monday!

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