Monday, July 16, 2012

So excited!

I just got involved in on a great Idea that will really help stay at home moms with businesses such as Avon,  Scentsy, Paparzzi Jewlery, Partylite, Tastefully Simple, Pampered Chef, Velata and so on! It is on Face book and it is called Business Circle Swap Group. The leader is Sherri Ann Harris and the Idea is a way to get whatever type of Business consultant you are for any business with a web page to get it out there and get sales!  We have groups of 12 the first group is full and they are starting a second group so come on board and watch your business bloom right in front of your eyes!  In a random drawing I was picked for the first hostess and the first consultant is for Perfectly Posh. What ever sales Perfectly posh gets myself as the hostess gets a percentage of what they over. Sales for Perfectly Posh start in Aug till the end.  Than picks a new hostess and consultant for the next month and so on and so on.  Take a look and contact Sheri and get all the info you will want and need!  Good like and happy shopping guys, it truly will be a great way to connect with new people and draw new business to your company! I for one am very excited with this new venture and so glad I have join the group! Take a look and see for yourself  Business Circle Swap Group on Face book!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Rosie and me!

Only two of us in office for at least 3 hours now, Rosie as you all must know by now is a dog, one of a kind and pretty much one of the best behave dogs ever!!!!!  That's saying a lot because I have 5 of my own and although they are well behaved, Rosie is like no other, a personality so sweet it is surreal. I really cannot say enough about this animal, if that is what you want to call her. She is such a calm dog , I wish I could be that calm.  I might have to talk dog talk to her and find out her secret for sure! I am sure she is a good listener and she will not talk back at all.  Rosie and I connect more in the office than I do with the people here. She does not judge me or yell at me and she does not think she is better than me!  What else can a working girl ask for! True friends forever, Rosie girl!

It's not over till its over!

Hi to all, I have to tell you, I read an article today that made my day, It is about this women Etta Britt at 55yrs old, who just signed a recording contract. Now we all know that the music industry is a big thing for the young, you start out young and get old in front of the public.  Very seldom do you start out old!  It confirms my feelings of never giving up no matter the age you are and that favorite quote of mine its not over till its over!  I mean over, 10 ft under the ground with flowers growing, over!!!  Live your life to the fullest and enjoy each and everyday of it!  Young is a state of mine not body!!!! If you want something go out and get it, do it, be it!  No late bloomers here, just think its the time and I am ready world, are you ready for me kinda of thing..  Love to all and remember, your just beginning!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day of worry!

Okay, here it goes,  sounds simple but its not, drum roll please, my son his heading to shore with his friend and now begins a day of worry!.  I know come on the shore, Fran really let the kid grow up!  I have made a pledge to myself not to make my first call till late afternoon, and come hell or high water I am going to stick to that!  Do you want to know what is going on in this mind of mine, NO, well your going to hear it anyway.  First I think of sharks, and than riptides and whatever else pops into this brain of mine.  I have loads of friends and family that would crucified me right now! Let the kid grow up Let the kid grow up!  Okay you guys are all right, I am going to let him grow up!  But I will be praying to God at the top of my lungs watch over him please.  That's okay right? LOL  Later my friends!  You are all such good listeners

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


My son thinks I am his bank, saves his money and spends mine.  The good thing is he does not really ask for much.  I am saving still for vacation come August so it is just annoying me that I can not save as much as I like.  But as always I will get over it I always do!  He also chipped in for it so what else could I do.  A few dollars here and a there is no big deal, but it adds up and as his bank account gets bigger ours gets smaller!  LOL  All part of being a parent, I guess but oh how I would love to see my funds get bigger!  Dream Fran, just keep dreaming.  He just stop by and said mom I need to get chop meat  for some dish he wants to make. I said Robbie there is some in freezer why didn't you defrost it this morning, he says mom that's okay I could buy it not frozen.  DA, why do I need to spend the money when I have it already!!  Kids just do not get it!!  I hope I live to see him when he gets older and sees what I mean so I could tell him I told you so!

Busy day!

Now that is the way I want to be, busy is money and money makes for a good day, with no stress and no issues. Well some but it always feel like a weight is lifted off my shoulders and I get to feeling like me again and not some walking mush brain!  I am sure you all know what I mean, been there and done that feeling! I cannot be the only one feeling these feelings especially with the economy being the way it is and everyone being desperate as all heck (hell). I wait like everyone else and wait and wait for the world to be the way it was and they say things will get better so I wait and wait!  Are we on the same planet, I think not!  LOL  They must be from outta of this world or not seeing what is happening to everyone.   Oh, I forgot the politicians live there with them, who is them. Them is them, I have not a clue and neither does anyone once else, obviously.

Heart is aching!

Hi everyone, today is a very sad day for me, I have learned you do not have to know someone personally for your heart to ache, as mine is.  In the last 3 days there have been 3 deaths in my town and neighboring towns, senseless deaths of two young people and a family monarch. Jose (17 years old) a young man from my town was stab coming from a party, my son knew him and said he was a funny kid, always with a smile, there were some gang members outside as he was leaving a party they had a few words and he was stabbed, he died from his wounds, his future was so brite, up and coming future football star for Rahway High School, and who knows what else life would have offered him! In Linden, Amber was walking home with a friend from Dunkin Doughnuts and was approached by a man who tried to rob her, she was shot and died ( 18 yrs old) Captain of her cheer leading squad and recent HS graduate, and her dreams of being a future police officer gone. As a parent I cannot even imagine what the families are going threw, my heart breaks for them all. In another town of Clark a 73 year old women was found on her couch with her throat slashed, her son could not get a hold of her when he went to the home she was still in her nightgown on the couch with her throat slashed. I have to wonder what is this world coming to.  You can not go to parties or walk the streets and your not even safe in your own home! I have lived in Rahway for 20 years I was raised in Linden and I have family in Clark, all nice towns! As a parent I have watch and protected my child to the best of my ability, as I am sure so have others.  You think okay they will be okay, but there not!  My son was extremely upset to here that Jose was killed. I tell him even at his age which is 19yrs old that is why I call to make sure he is okay!  You never know, you just never know, that they could walk out that door and it could be the last time! It sound horrible doesn't it I know but its that true.  There are no plastic bubbles you could hide yourself in, you are in the hands of the world! Enjoy each other every day to the fullest, be happy and not afraid, we are all handed a deck of cards and we have to believe even with what happen to these fine people, that there is good in this world or we will not survive. Rest in peace to you all,  no one could ever hurt you again!