Monday, July 23, 2012

Getting a great following!

How do I say thanks to you all, You have all been following what is happening with me, even though nothing great really is going on!  Remember that speech, years ago when Sally Field won an Oscar or was it an Emmy (oh well not sure) anyway she said in her speech you like me you really really like me, that is how you are all making me feel that you like me and all I could say is thank you so much.  On my blog I look at my stats and my map is getting green and staying green, so excited about it you have no Idea, oh yea you do,  you have to know me by now that being Italian and having this Italian mouth, my life is pretty much an open book!  Believe me when I tell you it does not take much for me to just tell people my life story!  I don't know if I ever told you all about my lap band I had done about 3 years ago!  When we all go out to eat, no matter where I go I start to explain that I have a lab band and everyone I am with starts laughing because I do it all. I am really bad when it comes to going out to eat  I always explain why I want a kids plate not an adults and the real funny part of it is, that the waitress or waiter always 10 times out of 1 knows someone who had it done! There mother, grandmother, sister, boyfriend the list goes on and on.  Now my family just goes with the flow and they always know the next sentence that will come out of my mouth after ordering my meal is always the same LOL  to funny! I try to change, but I am me and can not be anyone else other than me.  Till this day I will see someone from my past and they always say to me Fran you never change, I used to think to myself is  that good or bad, you know what I decided its good, I like being me, just me! 

Hi my friends!

I had an enjoyable Sunday , I went to my nephews Birthday party, they had  in a park and it was a beautiful day, he turned 2 years old. You had to see his face when he got this motorized Escalade Cadillac vehicle it was priceless! His grandparents bought it for him (my sister and brother-in-law) they have been telling him you are getting your car on your birthday, he ran so fast when he seen it, it was just so adorable and that face of his spoke volumes.  What else could I say than that.  Nice people nice day and nice weather make for an awsome and wonderful day! I hope you all had a great weekend or what ever time zone your soon to be weekend!  I love when things just go so right with no drama at all and that was the kinda of day I had! Perfect just perfect!

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Hi all, I had some free time husband went to groomer to pick-up dogs , my son Rob is working to 6:00 and as for me the bake ziti for tomorrows party is all done. So you all know the next stop , here, all I have been listening to the names of the people who were killed and are injured and I started feeling very depressed and guilty that my life is moving along while others are hurting so much! I know all of this is not in our control, but I still can not stop from thinking about all the pain they are feeling, as I am sure all of you feel the same and I am not alone.. Such an unreal feeling still and only time, a very long time will make it feel better!  Life for me will be the same , but for all the people with love ones gone, they will never be the same!  I don't understand and I know I will never understand what makes people do what they do!   Are they not human beings like me and you or a spawn of the devil!   What makes them change into what they have become, what made their mind snap to get them to take human life., I have problems and dreams and stress and worries, so does that mean I or any of us could just loose it and do something so horrendous as what that killer did?  I wonder and wonder and it scares me!

Friday, July 20, 2012

I feel!

I feel, sick to my stomach right now, I cannot shake the sadness I feel for all the victims in Colorado and for all their families and friends. Words cannot even explain the pain they all must be in.  On a beautiful summer night you leave your home, whole families or just  young peoplewith friends ready to see a movie they were so excited to go see and this is what happens!  How and why did it happen, what made this person decide to just go and kill loads of Innocent people with the intent to kill.  I can not wrap my mine around the whole situation and I am quite sure neither could you!  I wish I could understand the reason these things happen and why does the children of today have to feel so unsafe at every single thing they do!


To the weekend, Yea, dreary outside today, but so what at least I have 2 days of my home and maybe not tranquility, but at least I will be home!  Will be having a busy weekend, and time will fly and we all know that (sucks) hate that word but is seem appropriate for the way I feel about the situation!  Monday will be here before you know it and back to the old grind!  Five more weeks to California and so looking forward to be just getting away and enjoy the family vacation !  Family is always there for you unconditionally and I love that!  My family taught me well that first and foremost family is always number one! Have a great weekend if I don't have a chance to get back to you all! 

What a senseless act of violence

I really cannot believe you can not even go to a movie and feel safe any more!  Last night my son went to the midnight showing also but we live in New Jersey. Very seldom does he go but his friend has been down from Virginia and he wanted to go!  Now I know why I very seldom never let him go to the midnight movies but he is now 19yrs old and I really have no control over saying to him Rob you cannot go to the midnight movie.  Now as I write this I wonder how many parents would have loved to tell their child, no you can not go the the movies this late!  Over protective, there really is no such thing as that anymore, you are just trying to keep them safe, so they can have a long and healthy life!  God bless all who were killed and hurt in the shooting and may the killer pay for what he did!  A long long life in prison and may he rot in hell there!  Death for him is way to easy!

Triond has given me a voice!

Triond , when I was searching the web and came upon you, I have to say it was one of the best things to happen to me, you are the voice that gave me sanity when all feelings were kept inside and with no place to go!  I have said it numerous time and I will keep saying it.  For me in all honesty it is not about the money it is about having a place to put my thoughts in writing and getting feedback from so many around the world..  Just the comments are enough for me to just keep writing and knowing that people like what I have to say and enjoy it!  My articles are not, again like I have said so many times, topics that are interesting to most people.  It is mostly talk of me, which for me is great therapy and is very enjoyable for the soul!  So once again thanks Triond and its a pleasure to be in contact with loads of great people!