Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lunch NJ time!

At my desk eating an early lunch, not quite sure I told you guys, I have a Lap Band! (senile moment) It is truly hard to eat a lot of foods for me!  I am right now attempting to eat egg salad on rye toast.  Of course I will not be able to eat it all a few bites if I am lucky.  I hate when I waste money on food when I buy it out!  I could be saving my dollar bills in my jar instead of wasting it! My breakfast is always a protein drink, and I think I will go back to protein drinks for lunch also!  With a lab band you could eat a lot of junk food, that always goes down easy without feeling like you will get sick!  Food is a state of mine, when I had it done 3 years ago, my mine was trained on not feeling hungry, just because the band was there for back-up!  I really am never ever hungry like I used to be, food was my everything, now I eat just because I have to!  The one thing I have learn is to stay away from food with sugar, that really kicks in the cravings for more food with sugar and the mine sometimes cannot get the thoughts of food out of it!  If that makes sense.  Oh well I know what I mean at least!  This is my blog, right!  LOL  Later all, talk to you when I talk to you!  Thanks followers once again my views are really climbing, who would have thought you would even care about little old me!

Come this Friday!

There will be only 2 weeks till a much needed vacation.  Will start getting everyone packed next weekend. You have to remember I will be packing for all of us!  Its a chore just getting them all to collaborate on what they want to take along, my son being the worse.  I called airport and the weight limit for a suitcase is 50lbs so it will we lightweight clothes going on this trip.  If it weighs more than 501bs it will be an extra $100.00 per bag!.  I don't think so, t-shirts and shorts one dress outfit and 2  pairs of shoes each are going, Oh and all essentials of course like socks and undies!  I know to much info, but this is the first plane trip in quite a while and need to get all new rules down!  I want to make sure everything runs smoothly and on schedule and things are not forgotten!  I have a house sitter and dog sitter, the pick-up for back and forth to airport is ready, spoke with owner of cottage we will be staying at, and have the rent-a-car ready for when we land!  It will be a blast just to be somewhere else, I always love the excitement and feeling you get when you start a new journey! It feels exhilarating to say the least!  You know what is funny,  by the end of the trip, you are looking forward to home!  I guess that's why they say there is no place like home!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Horoscope update (8-1-12)

Okay guys, here it goes my beloved horoscope that always seems to me like a bunch of crap, LOL sorry I just felt like saying that but really it is, it reads You'll be willing to open new doors in the pursuit of fun and you don't have to wonder what will bring you pleasure, because you'll be drawn inexplicably to such things. Wait I have to re-read this again to get its meaning,  Okay got it, I think, I am always willing to open doors for fun and I am drawn to being happy not sad!  My personality is just that, happiness is my middle name, the people around me is what brings me down and gets me to being the demon from hell so to speak! I don't have to wonder what brings me pleasure, associating myself with nice people is one factor I need to take care off!  Life is way to short to be around un-happy people with pusses on their faces 24/7. 

Day is moving along!

The day is just moving along, I like it when that happens. Was told by my son that his agent said he will know if he gets the part by end of week!  Fingers crossed, he really wants it, but I am preparing him for the worse (just in case that happens)I tell him you just move on for another roll!   Movie land is ruff and you do not get what you want all the time or should I say most of the times! It is competitive and you just have to deal with it, you prepare yourself for the let downs or this is not for you, you never take it personally! I believe he understands this and all will be just fine in the end!  Sunday is the modeling fashion show, they took five pictures of him to show has he struts his stuff down the walkway!  His grandma, me and his dad and aunt and uncle are going to watch him!  Really excited about that with an added great day at the work place with everything falling into place, what more could a girl/women ask for! Umm let me think, I could think of a lot, only kidding what ever God blesses me with that's good enough for me! Complaints and complaining,  I think he forgives!

Start of the day!

I really enjoy the start of my work day, especially when I am the first one in the office, air condition turned on if needed, coffee is brewing, computer turned on and a peacefulness feeling sets in. It makes for a great way to start the day! Its a Wednesday morning hump day as it is being called on face book and the weekend is closing in once again! What more can you ask for, it really does not take much to make me happy, just quite and calm is a good thing, when you get to my age that seems to be the only thing that matters!  No, I'm not dead I just enjoy some calm, don't we all!  Oh, did I tell you the problem I had yesterday is done and removed!  See what I mean, why did it even have to get to that point! I will never understand man!  I really think they sometimes like all the drama, really I do! They like it and they like to blame it all on you!  Okay if it makes you feel better no problem, you could think that as long as you know that I know its all you! LOL  I am by far not a perfect person , but I am so right on this!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bad mood!

Tell me if you think I am right or wrong or if you do not want to voice your opinion, that's find by me too, as long as I could vent.  I went outside to do morning chores in back yard.  For a month and a half there is this burner with a propane tank attach to it where I keep the dogs. It was used to boil a big pot of water for the trays you  hold food to keep it warm , it was used when we had my sons birthday/graduation party in early June. I think I have ask my husband for the last month to get it out of there and he always says he will, at least a good 50 times.  Well today I did not ask any more I insisted and lost my patience to the point we had this argument and he said he is not doing it at all!  So okay act like a baby, I call my brother-in-law to come over tonight and disconnect it and put in garage for me! I'm right I do not care what anyone thinks, there is no reason at all something that should have been done the next day is still there so long after!  What really kills me is we did not need it in the first place, for years we always just boiled water on stove and put it in the warmer trays fast, easy and done with no drama whats so ever! Acting like a big baby really give me a break already will ya! Get it done whats so hard about that! Do I really need to get someone to do this when he should, I don't think so!

Monday, July 30, 2012


Got excited right, LOL won only $17.00 on the lottery. Hey maybe my luck is starting to change, really want that house in Rumson!  You know something, I never stop dreaming until its over and by that I mean pretty much dead!  You know the old saying its not over till its over, my thoughts exactly!  I will keep the positive attitude till I get what I want and what I want is that house!  Time for me to start the meditation cds and think positive thoughts.  What a life changing think that would be to move to a place like that, don't you think!  It can happen, It can happen, It can happen! No It will happen!