Monday, September 10, 2012

Long Monday!

Today, is going by so slow, can not wait till 4:30 and do what I need to get done at home!  Having a very restless type of day, if you know what I mean! Like my mine is jumping all over the place and I have no Idea why!  Phones are quite, at office, that drives me crazy the most!  I need to stay busy or I feel like the walls are closing in on me, not a good feeling at all!  I would love to be able to come and go as I would like, but we all know you need to be your own boss to do that. LOL  Dreams, keep dreaming Fran, sometimes dreams come true, especially if you dream enough! I will hold that thought my friends, not giving that one up just yet!

Fall is in the air!

Love , love, love it , did I tell you I loved it, LOL  Fall is almost here, I love the colors the smells the fresh crisp air the holidays the everything about it! I do hate raking leaves and the clean up, but a person cannot have everything!  Best time of year in my book!  Had a very nice weekend, sharing it with family and friends!  Finishing it off was watching Peyton Manning do his stuff!  He's backkkkkkkkkkkk!!!  LOL
So glad he is back to resume his career, and continue to be the great Quarterback we all know he is!  Whether your a fan or not, you always have to respect one of the best!  He proved it last night! He got it done.  Football season is here fall is in the air and Holidays coming with friends and family, Health is good, what else can a person ask for!  Let me think, oh yea to hit the lottery!  LOL!

Friday, September 7, 2012

A sigh of relief!

Again certain things have to be left unsaid as I have said a number of times, but I just want you to know that I was the bearing of good news for once, it has made my weekend complete!  It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and what a great feeling that is!  I now can sleep better at night knowing all will turn out better in the long scheme of things!  I love when things start running smoothly and with no drama!  I have always said and always will believe that things always turn out for the best, in my life I have been fortunate in that respect that it pretty much always has!  I thank god each and every day!  I have hoped and prayed that things would start to turn around and my prayers have been answered! Its turning out to be a new day of hope and smiles for me!

MTV Awards!

Hello, my friends, you are never to old for an award show, even  MTV Awards!  I have watch award shows since I was a kid, quite a few years ago lol.  Love them, just because of all the fashion and beautiful people there.  Love to see what all the women are wearing, right down to shoes ,hair and purses!  The show itself was a little disappointing to me this year but I did love the host, he was very funny and entertaining!  No shows, were, Justin Bieber, Beyonce, JayZ, and lots more were not there! One Direction the kids love, but from looking at Katie Perry and Rhianna, they looked like I felt about them (just alright) LOL. Once award shows start only death will pull me away!  Whats that saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks, well that goes for me no matter my age! I remember years ago, I was looking at an award show when the Exxon refinery lighted up the whole sky from a blast!  While my family was outside looking at all of everything going on outside!  You were not going to pull me away from the TV screen short of death!  I love the memories that come back to me time to time from writing my blog, I haven't thought about that in years!  I saw love this blog, and I love all of you guys too! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Okay, here it goes, I became a Notary about a year ago, I have done a few signings, simple things, for my boss and for a few other people, not many. I also can do closings on a lot of different types of loans!  I have gotten called numerous times to do closings on mortgages and I always make up an excuse I have another appointment!  We had a closing done and a Notary came to our house and it took him all of around 20 min. to do and simple as anything!  He was such a nice person and told me how to go about doing it, so I did!  The problem is I am scared, does that make sense to you!  Very nervous about it, I do not have a clue why!  I am a people person, that I know but the first of anything for me, always makes me have cold sweats.  I know that once I start, I would be great at it, I guess its just the unknown of it all, that scares me to death!  It is such a great way to earn extra Income and my husband tells me to build it up now this way when I retire my name will be out there and I could do it anywhere or time of the day!  You know he is so damm right, so I decided its time to get it all together and make sure I have everything I need to move this along, and have a career to fall back on!  Now is the time!!!

Horoscope Update (Aries) 8/6/12

It reads: It's been a while since you were this objective about your own life.When you really think about it you rather like where you've landed.  That's so funny if you look at my other blog that is pretty much what I said and how I feel!  All the complaints are just that ,complaining on things that get on ones nerves but could be fixable.  I am right where I should be, and each and every day I realize it.  God gives you your life and you have to make it your own.  Now let me tell you, I will keep dreaming of more and hopefully we will be blessed!  If it is meant to be it will be!  I love when my horoscope hits it right on the nail!  Good job!

Thursday (yes)

The weekend is almost here, my plans are to relax, right do you really think that will happen!  I hope it does and after last Sundays meltdown it just might!   Garbage cans went out on Monday night and guess what when I came home they were brought back in !  That's a beginning for sure, now I just have to get my husband to flush the toilet!  I know, to much information but I told you my blog, my life and I am trying to be honest and truthful about it and this is it!  What can I tell you lol!  If I told you there are nights I wake up and go to the bathroom and sit down and I am sure you will guess it I sit in ?  Pick up the sit fellas not fun for a women to deal with and you wonder why I am Yelling (really).  If I told you once I have told you a million times (not funny). My wedding anniversary is coming up, Oct, 9 we will be married 30yrs. wow can not believe it has been that long and we are still married!  A lot of ups and downs in it, but we stuck it out, that's a good thing in this day and age where married couples pack it in real quick! All the yelling, pick up your own cloths, pick up the toilet seat, close the kitchen cabinet doors, put your dishes in the sink, bring out the garbage cans, bring in the garbage cans, take out the dogs, help me please move the lawn furniture(do I really have to ask) and so much more.  Now the big question was it worth it, let me think, yea it is and was, my biggest accomplishment in my life is our son, without my husband there would be no son, and as for me yelling, I'm Italian and that's pretty much what we do! Now if you ask him what he thinks, I could tell you he would say it was ruff, but he is still here, so actions speak louder than words! Nothing is perfect and never will be!  Deal with it, try to learn by it and with a lot of luck, in the end you will finally think, I was right where I was suppose to be all along!