Friday, March 30, 2012


Mary Kay Cosmetics

Aries update!

I do not feel like writing it down today but it is right about my excitement I am having and the smile on my face that can not seem to be wiped off !  You know I am finding out that dreams and positive feelings can really make a day. I promise you even when all of this is said and done,you all know what I mean I hope by now.  I know that something good is going to happen whether it is tonight, a couple of days next week whenever it is, I know it will happen. Being a positive person makes you have the confidence that all good things come to those that are good!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

One more day till the big one!

Its mine and I know it! LOL no really I have this overwhelming feeling of something good coming! I know it is this, believe me when I say ,I do not always have this feeling!  It feels like a dream, so real but when you wake up you still feel like it happen!  It might be a dream, so I hope I don't wake up because right now it feels like my life is about to change!  If it does not, at least it felt good thinking it would!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Not so Exciting? Maybe a little!: Help!

Not so Exciting? Maybe a little!: Help!: I am so new at blogging, if anyone hears me, how do I get this blog notice, like I said not so exciting life maybe a little! LOL  Do you ha...

Not so Exciting? Maybe a little!: Aries Update 3/28/12

Not so Exciting? Maybe a little!: Aries Update 3/28/12: It reads and I quote: You'll take controlled action instead of reacting from a place of fear and anxiety.  The only time I felt fear and an...

Aries Update 3/28/12

It reads and I quote: You'll take controlled action instead of reacting from a place of fear and anxiety.  The only time I felt fear and anxiety and I took control of my action was years ago when I was told I had a large tumor in my stomach and they could not tell me whether or not I had cancer until the biopsy was done! The fear and anxiety hits you all at once where you feel like you cannot breath and you want to leave your body is the only way I can explain how I felt when I was given the news from my Doctor. After the shock I manage to control my actions, I guess because of the type of person I am and how strong minded I could be helped me believe that I was going to be okay! I turned out to be the person that was reassuring everyone else that everything was going to be okay and with the help of God it was!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I am so new at blogging, if anyone hears me, how do I get this blog notice, like I said not so exciting life maybe a little! LOL  Do you have to be a jet setter for anyone to really care whats happening to everyday joe shoms like me!  Now I know someone will pay attention if I hit that mega million tonight, which I will LOL and guess, when I do win I will be to busy to care who cares about this blog of mine anyway, so there!

Monday, March 26, 2012

My Bella!

Bella, my Shih Tzu had her puppies today.  She had 3 boys and they are such cuties, next step is to put them on Internet and sell them.  One I am pretty sure is sold only have 2 to sell! This is 3rd time breeding, I always sell them real quick!

Guardian Angel!

Do you believe? I do, especially after my brake fuel line broke and myself and no one else got hurt! I realized that when you walk out your door, there is a chance you might never see those you love again or them you! I was told ,I not only have 1 guardian angel I have 3 and I really believe they were with me that day! So I do thank you for keeping me safe along with those others that could have gotten hurt if my brakes were lost at a different time.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Aries Update 3/23/12

It reads: You are a leader, and being a leader requires a certain amount of audacity. You'll make claims and assessments!  LOL, a leader the only thing I lead is taking my dogs outside to do their peep and poop poop, sorry sound gross but true.  If you call a control freak a leader than that I am, which gives me a lot of audacity.  I do make claims and assessments, like what is wrong with you people, clean up your mess, can you please put dirty dishes in sink and wash them. How many times do I have to tell you, that is pretty much my claims and assessments every day of the week!  I really could go on and on about my leadership qualities, I have plenty more to share. Lets just save it for another day!!!  See Ya!  Follow me

Feel good mood!

Just feeling happy, if you ask me why I do not have a clue.  Yesterday the day from hell today a great day! Am I manic, I don't think so, I know I'm not, generally always in a good mood but there are days I just want to pull my hair out!  Lots of things going on in my life, and putting things in order could be overwhelming for sure!  So let me put my Dr.Smith hat on and diagnose myself, okay you are fine and the weekend is here and you are with the people you love so all is good! Now I feel great!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lawn furniture!

That's my son Robbie for you, he is so ready for the warm weather, that after work today he informed me we are having hamburgers and hot dogs and my sister and husband are coming over! He went out to get burger rolls!  I would not mine, but already and on a week day!  I am sure he is uncovering the table and chairs in the back yard as we speak!  Gotta love it!!!  LOL

Aries Update 3/22/12

It reads and I quote: You're compassionate because you too, have failed and come to an understanding with yourself and those around you. It is right that I am a very compassionate person for other people.  They are right when it says I understand failure because I have failed plenty of times.  It all depends on what failures you are talking about. There are lots of failures for sure, but one failure I have a hard time with is if you do drugs and drinking and you refuse help and or you go for help and still go back to doing what you did, I have a very hard time with that! Because, it effects everything and everyone around you.  I, think I feel more compassion for the family than I sometimes do for the person it is happening to. I have seen first hand what it puts the people around them through, when they get the help and go back and do it again and again and again!  My compassion for them and failure ends there for me plain and simple!

Almost Friday!

Can not believe how the week is flying by, love my weekends so much, just enjoy family time, and relaxation! Nothing better in the world than when you feel content with life!  I always tell you I am an up and down person!  Restless one minute and content the next!  It all depends on the vibes that surround you! Negativity can bring you down big time! 

Powerball win in New Jersey!

I was so excited, because you all know I am going to win, right! LOL I went into store this morning and asked if anyone won the power ball, the store clerk said yes, it was someone from NJ needless to say I had this feeling it was me, as soon as I got to work I checked my numbers and had 3 numbers not all of them! LOL That's okay I still have the Mega that one is mine! positive attitude remember!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fish and a Lap Band!

For me do not mix, sick to my stomach and I think it is not digesting to well so the next step might be throwing up the fish! If you know anything about a band if it does not digest and go though the band than there is a chance you will throw it up, which is happening to me now!  Some people have no problems with foods I seem to have a few more than most!  Still, in the end I am still a happy person with it!

Life's not a bowl of Cherries!

But it sure can be when I win that mega million! Straight to Italy to buy my Tuscany Villa looking over my land with a large glass of white wine in my hand!  Red is sometimes to bitter! Going to have to do a lot of taste testing to find the red wine I like! lol See ya in Tuscany when I win!!!!!!!!

Patience is a Virtue!

Than why don't I know anyone!  I seem to be losing mine because everyone around Me's fault is wearing off on me!  Please, I pray do not make me like them!!!   Get me out of here!!!!! lol

I love Tim Tebow!

I now have mixed feeling about this! Giants are my team, always and forever, Now Tim Tebow is going to the Jets, hate Mark Sanchez big time (hates a strong word, maybe not fond of is better) lol. I will follow Jets now because I could see it coming, they will use Tebow when Sanchez messes up! It will be interesting to watch what happens as the season moves along.  It will be like watching reality TV, drama, drama and more drama!

Love this picture of me!

The picture with my blogs name, (the header picture). I like it because that day my great big smile, is the way I want to be all the time. Not a worry in the world and the feeling that all is good. People try to wipe that smile off, but being the strong minded person I am it is not  possible! So I say to those people, stop wasting your time and mine!  That smile is staying right where it should be, on my face!  So there, take that!  LOL

$290m MegaMillions Jackpot!

Okay, now this I want, me and trillions of people. But it is mine, LOL positive attitude will make me win this.
From now until the drawing I will keep it in my mine that I will win, I will win, I know I will win this. Now mine you, you do not say I think I am going to win, its I will win this.  I have read so many positive energy books, I have this down pat. Remember positive thinking and its yours! I will be back with the good news when it arrives. LOL

Life and Surprises!

Life is full of surprises, you just take one day at a time and who knows, you can have the surprise of your life!. I love waking up and knowing each and everyday, no matter the mood I am in, is another day, I have to spend with family and friends.  I could have bad days at work and be in such a bad mood, but by the end of the day it all comes to one thing, at least I have a job to complain about!  Some people are struggling to find that, but I know it seems hard but I really believe that some things happen for reasons, and better things follow!

Bella,My Shih Tzu!

She is almost due to have her puppies. So excited , this is a 3rd litter, her first was a litter of 5 and the 2nd was a litter of 3. Right now she looks like a litter of 5 unless she has really big puppies. She is such a good girl. Looking forward to the new puppies arrival.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Son Robbie Love this Kid! he is my baby( he hates lol when I think of him as my baby but he is my one and only and will always be my baby no matter what!


photoshoot 7 for comp card !!!!!

Bob and Robbie at the Giants game (lets go Giants!!!



Hurry up vacation!

August seems like  forever, I really need a vacation from mental stress, just need peace and tranquility and relaxation with good people.  Fun will be my main attraction.  I know I sound confused and I probably am, but the real me is always 100%  a fun person. It has been a little hard as of now because of my job. But hopefully economy will get better and things get back to normal!

Aries Update- 3/20/12 (my view of course)

It reads and I quote: You have the sense that the world is full of promise and that you're just the one to make it good. It's as though the sky was painted for you alone and the angels are awaiting your orders. I have to tell you I am the type that feels the world is full of promise for everyone but I really do not feel I am the one to make everything good!  I would love to and there are people out there really trying to do just that.  If the angels are waitning for me to give the orders, they have a long wait lol.  Just kidding, I would love to put my arms around the whole big wide world of ours and give a great big hug to make everything all right in the world, but as an adult I know that is impossible. Oh how I wish I was a child again and everything was brand new in there eyes and the world was perfect and right!

Sleepless night!

Had a bad nights sleep thinking about things that I have no control over. So stressful when you worry like that!  I wish I would not take my work home with me, but sometimes it is hard to separate the two. Maybe tonight my mine will not keep me awake or wake me up! I think I am so tired nothing will keep me awake tonight!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Dancing with the Stars!

Oh my God, I am now a fan of the show did anyone see William Levi the Latin actor on the show what a hottie, I know married with child but you can not help thinking wow that guy is beautiful LOL!! He sure could dance!

Another of my art work I called this one Home for the Holidays


Art by Francesca Marie 7

My Decoupage art work (Eye on Beauty)


Art by Francesca Marie  part 11

Stomach Upset!

This is one of the do not do of having a lap band, do not it bread with an egg! For me at least, it does not work out! It gets stuck on me, now it could be because I did not chew it enough or eat a small enough bite,  not sure what the problem is. I have tried a few times to eat certain thing and most of the time it does not go well! All lap- bander are different, what works for some does not work for others! Oh well I guess it will continue to be a learning experience!

Lap Band! For me it is the best!

Around 3yrs ago I decided to get a lap band, which in my opinion was one of the best things I ever did! I have no regrets at all, on the other hand my husband and son feel I should of done it naturally. I tried numerous times to do it with no results at all!  My will power was not good! One day at 250 lbs I was getting out of my car and my knees were killing me. I was 50yrs old and felt like 65, every part of my body was aching me. I said that, day if I do not do something for myself I was going to be in big trouble. That is when my journey began!  With a lap band, if you are over weight you know you have to always eat small portions. When you first get it your mine is not always in sinc with your new way of eating. That is really what caused my family to not be happy with the band!  I was throwing up way to much and they were afraid for me and what I could possibly be doing to myself! I decided to write about this so if I could help people understand what not to do with the lap band versus what to do with it!  I am still working on all that even 3 yrs later!  But I am one happy women right now! At least I know my next 25 or 30yrs of my life will be the best quality of life I could have given myself! Instead of feeling 65, I feel 30. Being overweight really does weigh you down not only physically but emotionally.

My son is such a good kid!

I am blessed for sure, He is one of the most family oriented kids in the world. At his age when all kids want to go hang out with friends, he loves to be with all the family. I am one of the lucky ones for sure. I do not know what we did to be blessed with having a child that is as good as Robbie.  He has learned by example of what not to do, so that has helped. I remember when I was Rob's age I was not bad but I did love to be with friends quite a lot. I have to say tho I was always at family get togethers and my mom brought us all up to know that family is always number one.  In this day and age it seems to me that it really is not like that anymore. I thank God each and every day for Rob and he has made our life complete, thats for sure!

Aries update 3-19-12

It reads, I quote: You like to know that you're improving, and you'll see the tangible evidence of that today. You also welcome the chance to go back and correct yourself. : I have to say this one stomps me LOL. Improving on what, what I do, you do not have to be a rocket scientist to do. I am in a one women office and that's me and me alone. I always correct myself there is no one else to do it, that's for sure!  I love what I do, but being told I do a good job is not in the book for me!  I just have to know I am good at what I do, which is fine by me!  No pats on the back here folks!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Me and my son Robbie at New years eve wedding! Fun time and great to be with my family and celebrate the New Year 2012!



Bella in the middle, Baily to the left and Benji to the right! Mom, Dad and son and believe me they know it!



Max (The Man dog of the house)



Baily (son of Bella and Benji) The most lovable dog in the world!



Your in trouble now!

Yeah, I got it, with a little help from my son and a lot of getting yelled at for not catching on like he thinks I should have and with me not being a happy mom because he was pissing me off with his attitude I really think I got it. LOL  Now to take pictures.and show you my world!  Going to mother-in-laws to visit and hang out talk to you later!

One of my son’s modeling photos (I love this shot)


my modeling picture1

Handsome son Robbie!


me teaser

Benji (I hate pictures, no really I do)



Niece Christina and me!



Me, my son Rob and husband Bob! 2012 St. Patrick's Day


st patty day 2012





One picture, REALLY !

I sat here for one hour trying to get pictures on and I manage the one. Than when I tried to do again I forgot how to do it, so computer stupid, its unreal. I have no patience at all! LOL Well now at least you see the crazy person who writes like a crazy person, but who has a lot of fun doing it.  Woke up early and jumped on computer to get all my pictures on from last night but as of now all I could say is go to my Facebook page till I figure this thing all out.  You could meet and greet me at Fran DeLaura Smith  Now off to do what all good wife's and moms do grocery shopping. See Ya!!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Pictures worth a thousand words

Home for the night early maybe, but had a great time.  Nice to be home after being out so long.  I have 5 dogs, yes I sad 5 Max, a Rat Terrier 4 Shih tzu  Benji, Bella, Baily, Brie they are great dogs so you hate to leave them alone for all those hours but you have to do what you have to do!  When my sister and her husband comes over she swears she is walking into a dog kennel LOL  Over ex-saturated for sure but that's my sister for you!
Having a Shih Tzu, is like having a child, they are super family oriented and love to be with you all the time. Max on the other hand is independent and fight once in the while with Benji. They are all part of our family and I love it,as soon as I get my son to help me get pictures up you all will see them. Like my blog says not so exciting maybe a little. I don't have the excitement of traveling around the world , but let me tell you I do have excitement of all sorts of situations is my everyday sometimes boring life. LOL , stay tune and you shall see. Time to go my drink of the night was a girly Mud Slide, had about 4 and feeling a buzz, so what does this person do (me) go to sleep!  Goodnight my I do not know you friends!   

Corn Beef Lovers

I love it corn beef.  but I forgot to mention yesterday that I have the lap band and we all know what that means no can do!!!!
I mean it could be pretty ruff for me to get it down, maybe a few bites and that will be it!  But at least I could smell it! LOL  All kidding aside this is my 3rd year with band and I am really use to it, so don't worry everything is good!  I will be with the family and good friends so all will be well!  Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone enjoy your day!  Talk to you latter.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Is it almost 4:30 yet

God I sure hope so, I have so much stuff to do and no time to do it in ,I need to be sitting in front of the TV by  8:00pm tonight for you guessed it American Idol, Yea!!!!!!  I love that show, I always DVR it just in case I am running around and might not get home in time. Going through my second childhood, what could I say! LOL What you see is what you get!  Oh wait, I mean what I write is what you get!!!! Good one Fran, I am so corny.

Weekend on the Horizon!

Three more hours of work, let the weekend begin. Busy busy and more busy! I forgot to mention that my son Robbie, will be getting a part-time job in Shop Rite to earn some money. He is beyond happy about it, his objective goal is to save money for an Apple Computer laptop for college in the fall! I know, big bucks but that's what he wants. He is a pretty good saver so I am sure he will be getting it, with a little help from his good old parents! Happy that things are moving along and all is well!

Aries Update 3/16/12

Update time for the Aries Horoscope and my way of seeing it!  Being Aries and all!  LOL  It reads and I Quote: Be willing to ask yourself intriguing question, such as: What are you looking forward to? Your kidding right, why wouldn't I ask questions like that and are they really intriguing questions?  I think not! I always thought intrigue was like a spy movie or espionage or something like that, what do I know I am just a girl . What am I looking forward to lets just say, everything and anything, the world is full of surprises, I am ready for it all! Does that mean it could be Intriguing, we will see.

St Patty's Day!

I forgot to mention St. Patty's day tomorrow, now mine you I am Italian but I love corn beef and cabbage. Family and friends are all going to my brother-in-laws house tomorrow, for a fun time and needless to say the best corn beef ever!!!  Mud slides here we come and good times had by all!  Whats the saying even if your not Irish you are on St. Patty's Day!!  Enjoy the day where ever you are in the world!!

Hello my fellow bloggers

Up and at em for the day, A little dreary weather that's for sure, but so what its great to be alive and breathing and the weekend is going to be gorgeous out so what is there to complain about!  I know everything is not perfect in our lives, it problably never will be but just be happy anyway, saddnest gets us nowhere, that for sure! 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Love having a Blog!

So tired, but felt I should go on computer and see what was happening, I read some peoples blog to see what was being said!, I learned a few things which is good!  You really do learn something new everyday. Good night people time to get some beauty sleep!

Remember my happy face!

LOL, I swear I am so glad my personality is generally happy, because there are times I want to blow up big time. When your a women in the work place it seems that you always have to keep your mouth shut at least in my work place that is! If you voice your opinion it seems like no one really ever takes me seriously and that pisses me off!  When you work with someone who always thinks they are right, you just want to ( bleep bleep bleep and a whole lot of other bleeps too)  Wait ,shut me up I am a lady and a women and would not change that for the world!  I will keep my great big smile because that's me!  I love that I could wipe it right off my shoulder with just a brush of the hand!

Aries update 3-15-12

Hello all its me again, back with my opinion of my horoscope reading today, It says and I quote, You may be amazed at the lack of humor in the world, but you'll do something to remedy the situation. You'll shine as you do what you have fun doing!  Okay, you have got to be kidding me, I work with people everyday who have as much humor as chop liver!  I am use to being around not so humorous folks it is not a surprise to me at all!  I wake up with a smile on my face day in and day out, I love people, and I enjoy talking to them. You always can tell if a person is happy or just plain out miserable. I always do what I like to do most and that is having a great big smile 24/7! Nothing better than that to me.  Smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Aries Uptdate 3-14-12

Hi to all, sorry I was not posting stressful days and to tell you the truth just plain out, not in the mood to talk or write, but, I am coming back to reality and in the mood so here I am LOL. My horoscope says today You get the sense that your talent and skills are being used in the wrong way. Pull back to get perspective. Okay, now I know why I have been stressed I feel that way big time. The problem is and always was, is I really never knew what I wanted to really do 100% of the time. I get bored very easy with things and never follow through.  Horoscope was close but I knew that! Now all I need to do is change, and learn to focus on one thing and one thing only.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Aries update 3-9-12

Good morning everyone I have my Aries up-date, my version of it of course.  It says your personal development will be enhanced by a fixed routine. Consider making a weekly appointment with someone. Lol you have got to be kidding my routine is really fixed so much that I could fall asleep most times its that boring, at least for this Aries, kudos to the ones that live an exciting life. Now, as for a weekly appointment I was considering a good shrink for sure than I could cry on his shoulder with all my problems.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

American Idol!

Great show last night, on one side the great Whitney Houston and other side the great Stevie Wonder. My favorite was, who else but Jessica Sanchez, she was so great with the song I will always love you, if I closed my eyes you would have thought it was Whitney herself!  She is an up and coming star for sure!  Not to take credit from the other singers there were a lot of good performances. I also thought little Holly was good (sorry I forgot her last name). Tonight we will see who goes home!  Talk to you tomorrow!

Aries update/3-8-12

Hi to all, I read my horoscope everyday and I always break it down to my way of seeing it LOL.  Today it says I quote, You are careful to celebrate the big events in the lives of others, but you do not wait for big events to show people how much you care about them.  I have to say It is pretty much on the money for me and my personality. I am more of a giver than a taker.  So with people I love I give a lot no matter if it is a special occasion or not.  The greatest thing for me is to see someones face when I give to them.  For myself I have always felt that if I personally want something I will get it myself and that is fine by me. Thumbs up for today on this one.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Just my luck!

What luck, just when I think I am getting someplace with what I want to do, it feels like not enough. Now you are probably thinking what is she talking about. I have to tell you I really do not know myself. I want so much to succeed at what I do and I cannot for the life of me get to the point where I am 100% there. I guess I want more than I am capable of doing!  I hate feeling like that and the good thing is it will probably only be for today. When I wake up tomorrow I always have a new outlook about everything I do. That is pretty much why I really like being me!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Did I say no Drama!

Well, I have to tell you a little drama has started and this is not drama that is wanted or needed for sure.
Why is it that for some people drama is always there!  Lurking in the background ready to bonce at a minutes notice. I hope and pray daily that things work out for them and a better day follows! Life is way to short for this!

Exciting No!

Hi to all, Someone told be to start a blog, she said a blog and me would fit well together. I am thinking well maybe just maybe she might be right! On the other hand I am also thinking I really do not have anything much that is exciting enough going on in my life that anyone would really give a crap about. But I am giving it a try and hopefully I will not bore anyone to death! I also am hoping that word spell is working or all of you will see that I cannot spell to save my life! Wish me luck i really think I am going to need it for this LOL