Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Good News!

Hi guys, good news is a coming.  Rob has gotten the part!  So happy for him with a little nervousness on the side!  Filming starts in Sept. and will be filmed in New Jersey which is a plus!  They said they will work around his schedule and all his scenes will be filmed on Saturdays if need be!  Lot on his plate and as a parent I worry.  One of my friends said all things happen for a reason and I always believed that.  The name of movie can you believe he does not remember, I think because he thought he was not going to get the part! LOL Its an Independent film which we all know has no high budget but if seen by the right people can really amount to something, so they want this to be big  they told Rob. Tyler Perry the actor, director and producer wants to see the film after production is done! What else can you ask for  a first film!  We told him pace yourself  Rob and all will turn out okay!  All your dreams are coming together right in front of you!  Its a start and a great start at that!  School is all set and we will make sure he gets everything done.  His job hours will change also he was going to work less hours anyway for school.  All things work out, (you all know I believed that, I said it enough times for sure) and we could say the timing is all wrong, but like we have been told loads of times things always happen for a reason! 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Lots of thoughts!

Have no Idea where to start!  Did you ever get like that, I have loads of things running through this brain of mine, things I want to do things I need to do, and things I have no Idea even how to get off the ground and get started. Going to the fashion show last night made me want to reach for the sky, and start anew! Remember you are never to old to reach for the stars and begin something new!  Life is way to short for could haves, should haves and would have comments!  The host last night was a strong believer in what ever your dreams are go for it!  He was a great motivational speaker, which helped you believe anything was possible if you wanted it bad enough, now the question is do I want it bad enough or I am just willing to settle on what I have.  Sometimes I just think laziness is a big part of my problem, I am not lazy in the I don't mean house cleaning or every day things that need to get done.  I mean get up and get what you want out of life, that type of laziness, like I am afraid of a new challenge or to be the center of attention, I have no Idea what I am saying kinda of thing.  I am afraid of the invest yourself 100% type of thing. To succeed in anything you do a 100% is a requirement and is needed to be successful without it you will fail. I am 100% positive of that!

Hello my friends!

You know, you are, I love weekends I know you know that, but the only thing is I am so busy running around and doing things I have no time to talk on my blog because the family has me doing other things! My son Rob is on kicks of taking rides and site seeing with the family!  He is 19 years old and rather hang out with us is just amazing to me and I thank God every day, he is the way he is!  I do want him to get out with friends, don't get me wrong there are those times he hangs out and does things, but not as much as other kids his age!  He programs himself to stay out of trouble because his ultimate goal before anything else is to be a police officer or anything with law enforcement!  He does not want to be around trouble, I cannot blame him can you.  Talk to you later my friends!

What a great night (Sunday)

Sunday was a great night! (well I have to say) Rob did great at the fashion show and the runway!  He came walking out with that model face and strutted his walk just right!  Loved it!  A lot of the guys model 4 outfits each and of course came out with everyone at the end for the finale.  He did not look nervous at all and his self confidence was amazing for the first time being in front of all those people! When you get to the end of walkway photos were going off like crazy, it was a great experience and we were so proud of him!  My brother-in-law who always complains about thinks to his own admittance said he had a great time and Robbie did great!  To top the night off when we got home we recorded an episode of NYC22 and Robbie had a little scene in that and we got a great look at him on TV, all in all it was a great way to end the night and the weekend!!!!!! 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Love, love, love!

This day is turning out great!  All the men folks at the shop are on the road and it is just little old me! Peaceful as could be with 2 1/2 more hours of work!  What more could I ask for from the work place!
Days like this I love, I see it as watching the fort and talking to nice folks as they call for information, that I am ever so willing to help them with!  When I retire which is not for about 6 more years and I am by far not ready to get that old yet, but what I will miss the most are the days like this. The people I have come into contact with while working at my job are just great!  Getting to know quite a few and dealing with them one on one is a joy!  Time does fly by, it has been 14yrs already and before you know the 6yrs will be here and a new beginning will be upon me!  I have to wonder what it will hold! Think all good things Fran all good things!

Horoscope Update! 8-3-12

Well now we are talking business, something that makes sense to me!  Yea, my horoscope reads drum role please LOL  Your friend-ship skills are exceptional, and you'll use them well today. Your belief in others will help them grow into the people they want to be!.. I am by far a people person, you walk through a door, and I will strike a conversation with you and it will feel like I know the person forever!, now mine you I don't know if they feel the same way but oh well. Friendships for me are special, I find that you do not have to talk to someone everyday to reconnect with those you care about!
Its pretty much automatic on my part and I fall back into the groove in a blink of an eye!  Pushing people to do the best they can is a giver for me, hands down. The one and only problem I have is the person has to want it, want to succeed, wants a better life, wants the most life has to offer.  I have a short fuse for people that do not try to help themselves be a better person and try to overcome any obstacle in their way!  I feel you have to help yourself in order for others to be able to help you!

Happy Friday!

Great weekend on the horizon, and a very busy weekend for sure. Wish I could tell you some things that are happining in my life, I learned that some things sometimes just have to be unsaid!  Blogs are for mostly happy talk, no one wants to come to a blog that is to depressing for words.  Now, I am not saying I am depressed, I am not, I just have to fiqure certain thing out in my life that need a fixing!  No matter what though, I will prevail and overcome anything that is thrown my way!  It's all part of life and no matter what you just keep on truckin!  Okay enough of that, now for the good stuff!  Rob (my son) has to pick 3 Pictures out of 5 on what he wants to be shown in the background when he walks the runway at fashion show!  He has to meet with them at 3pm today!  Sunday is the day and I cannot wait,  I told him a few tricks on how to get a more chiseled face and have the dreamy eye look that guys do so well when in the magazines. He has study those looks and I think he has it down pat!  The walk is great!
He says to me Mom Sunday dinner (family dinner) right, I said Rob you have to be at the Hilton Hotel at 4PM no model, stuffs there face before a runnway walk!  He thought about for about 2 seconds and says okay I will have a wrap from Muscle Makers LOL  Kids go figure!!!!