Monday, September 17, 2012

Start of a new week!

New rules will be and I state: I will have positive thoughts, no cares for other peoples attitudes or faults, their problems not mine. Worry about my state of mine and my health first and foremost! All that matters is the people I love which is a lesson I have learn from other peoples actions! Depend on myself and do not count on others to help!  Learned there is good in people but a lot more bad in people! Learned to give others chances to be the person you thought they were, learned the hard way, you can only give so many chances and in the end they are a lost cost and not worth the energy or the time!  Learned that there are a lot of haters in the world that wish you to your face lots of luck and behind your back stab the crap outta of you!
Did it take years of my life to learn these lesson, yes it did! Do I believe this , yes I do!  Do I want to go through the rest of my life with that feeling, no I don't, do I have a choice in the matter, no not really!  Do I ever think people will change, no I don't. Do I think I am perfect, not by a long shot, but I do know I purposely do not set out to hurt others, and make them feel useless and alone!  End of story!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Pathmark shooting in Oldbridge NJ

I always wonder as I am sure you all do, of what makes a person go over the edge and hurt innocent people!  Detail of the Pathmark shootings are coming out of how and what the people in the store were hearing and seeing!  You never think this could happen to you, you mine your own business you go to work and it is just another day, not ever thinking it could be your last! My son works in Shoprite, and you wonder of all the what ifs and the maybes that this would happen there! Who would have thought, in a movie theatre or a grocery store you would take you last breath on earth there!  What are the signs, what could have change the outcome of what happen to all those beautiful people.  The sad part is it happens, we feel for the families, our life's stay the same and they feel the lost the rest of their life's!  Time goes by days and years and people forget until it happens again!  They say to look for signs of mental illness, people saw signs a problem in the person who killed all those people in the theatre shootings but no one listened to them!  In the Pathmark case people have said he never got over his mom's death, is that a sign that he would kill people!  It is almost impossible to pinpoint something like this to be prevented!  I wish there was a way, but in all honesty, facts are you will never know from one day to the next if and when it could happen again to anyone of us! I now make sure when I see my son walk out the door to say I love you Rob, be safe, its pretty much a must for me to do that!  I taught him to lock the doors at home, I taught him to lock his doors at night when driving to work, I told him to put his seat belt on in car, I told him to never talk to strangers when he was young, but how do you tell them that you will have to watch out for a derange person at a movie theatre or a depress person who you worked with at a grocery store. How do you tell a child that?

Just say it!

Okay here it goes, politics is not my thing, I am a housewife, working women, and mom!  I add my little bit of earnings each and every week to put food on the table and some extra needed enjoyment for the family. I vote because its the right thing to do, do I believe what they say is always true, heck no!  Do you?  Promises are cheap to say and hard to keep, whether it be from a  Democrat or Republican.  I believe no one, at this point of the game and what month is it Sept.  November is right around the corner and I am very confused on it all!  Do I like Obama care, yes I think I do, I like that all people will have Insurance!  Am I partial to it yes I think I am, why do you ask because I have a 19year old son who will stay on my Insurance till he is 26 years old and I do not have to worry about him not having insurance. Is that selfish of me, no I think not!  Do I think anyone really cares about my opinion, I think they don't. Do I care if they care about my opinion the answer is heck no!  So as you could see, we all voice our opinions and ideas and thoughts, we all talk in circles, we all think we know everything, and we all think we are right!  Now do you really think that will change anytime soon, Hell no! Do you really think anyone cares, as fast as something is given to you is as fast as it is taken away!  Do I know what I am saying, no not really, like most people who talk about politics very seldom do? Do I care what you think because I said it, heck no! Whats the phrase (freedom of speech). What I care about right now, is making ends meat, while the Democrats and Republicans go at each other with loads and loads of bull crap to get people like us to vote for them!  Than we vote, and we get a winner, than we wait, and wait, and than we are back to the same place we left, the four years pryor blaming the other party for not being able to get out of the hole we are in and we need more time! Okay how much time do you need?   Does it ever end, HELL NO!!!!!!

Mums (plants)

Tis the time of season to go look for mums and get ready for fall.   The place where I always go to buy them decided to close their doors and homes are being built!  Bummer for sure!  Now I have to find a
place that sells huge ones.  Tomorrow me and the hubby will begin our journey for the perfect ones. LOL  The past few days my mood was so so, meaning not good!  I very seldom wake up on the wrong side of the bed but I must of fell flat on my face off the bed and popped up to continue the days in rear form.   Now today however, I am getting my personality back which is a good thing for my family LOL. Do you ever wonder what makes a person get in a mood so bad, which is really not in their character at all!   I do, all the time, I should go see someone and talk about what bothers me and maybe they could find out what is the stem of the problem.  I have a feeling I know what it is so that is why I pretty much do not bother wasting time on the situation. I have two choices deal with it or move on.  What do you recommend?   I know you can not answer, mainly because you do not know the problem which I cannot say!  Don't you just love people who talk in circles!  That should be my middle name, I am getting pretty damm good at it!  Later all, weekend is upon us, and let the happy mode begin!  Mums here I come!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Totally You!

That's the way you have to think sometimes, you have to make time just for yourself, so you do not disappear into the wide yonders of the hemisphere.  I decided to take control of my own destiny and get things done my way!  I need something new and I plan on getting it!  Everything I needed to get started is in motion, now it is a waiting game of getting the calls and to go see my first client!  The first of everything is always the hardest than it all becomes easier as you move along! Whether it is totally me or totally you, no matter your age, it is all up to you to begin anew!  Think now, think future, think I can do it! I have finally said this is my time and I want to expand my horizons and to make changes and try new things. This time I am finally listening to my heart and not thinking of the what ifs any more!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lazy sort of day!

Having a lazy sort of day, work is quite and in office by myself, phone is not ringing and about to go bonkers from a bored syndrome. I know, I am one sick person, who wouldn't love this type of day, but the day drags on forever and I want phones ringing, people talking, excitement and usefulness going on! Today is for sure not that type of day!  I have finally gotten my name out there for Notary signing on Mortgages. I plan on doing that after my full time job to earn extra Income.  Have to go to staples to get paper and files pens and extra Ink.   Some packets for mortgage documents could be any where from 80 to  150 pages long , two sets have to be made all the time one set for client and one for mortgage company!  I am nervous for sure, I think I mentioned that I have gotten called quite a few times but mentally I was not prepared to do it.  My husband seems to always make me see the long picture of things.  I have sold Avon for 19 years and I never made money, because I always just bought from them and my commission money would go right back to them. My husband finally made me see the light about 6 yrs ago and  I finally saw the money from it, it gives me no kidding at least $5000.00 or more extra income a year added to what I make already. If I applied myself more I could make more money from it! As of now to many things going on but I am happy with what I am making.  He now is telling me to get my notary moving and in a couple of years my name will be established for the work I have done and I could be my own boss on how much I want to make and earn per year!  So with all that said staples on weekend, dress clothes ready for the calls and me a nervous wreck until I finish my first call and after a few of them, I will wonder to myself why I sweated it in the first place.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

No Complaints (yet)

I am a proud mom, Rob is 2 weeks into college and no complaints, he gets up, is doing his studies and showing me he really is into it!   It just goes to show that if you want it bad enough you will do it!  I am so glad he does not take after me in that respect, I always pooped out and never finish what I start!  Which leads me into another saying LOL  You get what you put into it!  Oh boy, that's not right but you all know what I am saying LOL.  I know deep down that Rob will finish what he starts and I thank God he was listening when we spoke, it feels good to know it was not going in one ear and out the other!  Acting classes start next Tuesdays, and he is going to work and loves making the money.  He opened his IRA and is putting $20.00 a week into it for now. Its a start and for him to want to do it makes it even more special!  He is looking toward the future.  The movie starts filming Sept. 29th, but Robs scenes start Jan. which to me is a good thing gives him more acting classes under his belt, so to speak! From Jan. on he will be filming the movie, school, work and acting classes with lots of studing to do! That is when I will worry the most.  But I have said it once and I will say it again things always happen for a reason, who knows why or for what reason but it still happens just the same! We never have control completely of our own destiny, but we do have a little helping hand in it!