Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Horoscope update- Aries 10-24-12

Sorry guys, there are times when I look at my horoscope and it does not relate to me what so ever, but than there are times that it is right on the money, this one is so right!
It reads Your perception of yourself will be colored by the reaction you see on the faces of others.That's why it will be important to seek like-minded peers.  How true this is, I know first hand what that feels like. I am the type of person that likes people to like me, like what I am about, like to be told I did good, like to see approval on other peoples faces.  Now the problem is there are a lot of haters out there!  I for some unknown reason in my lifetime have let them weasel into my life! You know what I mean the type of people that if you look nice, will try to say you don't, the type of people if you say green they say red, the type of people that even if they have way more than you and achieve more than you, just cannot bring themselves to route for the little guy!  Since I seem like I can never  get away from people like that, I decided to say to myself, no one, no way who ever they might be and what ever or who ever they think they are is not better than me!  I have taught myself to believe that, it took a while but it has worked for me!  There are a lot of people out there like me, but who has the time to waste trying to find them, I figure just believe in yourself, be who you are and know you are the best of the best and when the person who thinks he or she is better, laugh to yourself and say no one is better than me, absolutely no one!  It took me years to realize it, but my self esteem is now in full swing and when someone dictates to me like they know everything which believe me I know lots of those kinds of people, I turn around with a smile on my face and think what an ass hole they are and I am so much of a better person than you will ever be!  Works for me and remember just one more thing, every dog has there day and it will always come back to bite them in the ass. LOL

Monday, October 22, 2012

Super weekend!

Another good weekend to add to my last few weekends, just a little annoyance issue yesterday, but it is what it is!  Still good never the less!  Watch the Giants game, and we all know it was a nail biter but we prevailed with yet another victory 5-2. It would be awesome if we went to super bowl again!  I am feeling it, just like last year, I sure hope that feeling is right!  Robbie and my brother-in-law are in this football pool and whoever wins 6 games wins, they won all six games, which was great the problem is so did about 16 other people which makes $3000.00 goes to about $200.00 ea. so since they are partners they get about $100.00 ea. (lol) The joyous faces went a little sour on that note but a win is a win, better that than nothing at all!  I am really feeling this weather, love the crisp morning air and the beautiful day we are having today! Life is good and I hope you all agree it is great to be alive.  Love to all, talk to you later my friends!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Its raining cats and dogs!

Love that it is Friday, but this rain yikes, is it going to stop anytime soon!  Do you know what it is like to have 5 dogs that despise the rain, believe me it is not a good thing!  The 2 girls are prima donas that give me the hardest time, god forbid they get a little wet (funny how they are so much like us women with the bad hair day and all lol). The 3 boys might not like it but they go out there just like a man and get it done (no questions asked just do it with no complaints). Boys go out first (done) come in, next I say go ahead girls and they both look at me like I have 2 heads, I have to go out there with them, I guess they figure if we get wet, you dam straight are going to get wet too.  So to make this short glad its Friday but if this rain keeps going you can bet I am going to be one wet women tonight!  Whats a mom of dogs to say, no matter what, part of the family and could not picture it with out them! Have a great weekend, if I do not get back to you!!!!  Love to all!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Oh boy!!!!!!

It is turning out to be a day from hell, it really is unbelievable how a good day can turn into such a bad day!!  To many personalities for sure, makes for a really bad day!  Lottery where Art thow?  LOL  Oh, crap, just kidding, all is not that bad, its just another day to get though and the good old weekend will be here!  I just keep saying one more day, one more day, one more day!  My son calls to tell me my nephew has gotten him into selling vitamins, and guess who has to get involve, you got it me!  How do I get involve with all this stuff I will never know!  I really cannot picture Robbie asking people do you want to buy vitamins, so not him, so mom to the rescue!  I will try to give it a go, who knows this could bring in the big bucks, LOL  Yea right!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

(3:10pm) count down to home!

You all know what that means days almost over and home to the family, here I come! I don't think they mine so much, since I took the hubby's advise and left the stress at the office!  How right he was, I should have listen to him a lot sooner. I hope its not to late, you know what I mean the heart attack waiting to happen thing!  LOL, only kidding I will be just fine!   I so love chilly nights and a good movie and everyone home safe and sound and together,even the dogs love it, call me corny what could I say, I am just me and I love that about myself!  I am loving each and every day as if it was my last!  Life is good!  See ya later and have a great night or day, (depending) enjoy my friends!

My son calls me!

Hi everyone, my son Rob, which I am sure you all know by now (lol) calls me to say mom, I got an 87 on my math test.  I thought it was great, but he continued to say I wish it was higher.  I wrote an article some time last week about kids in college which this is a perfect example of what I was saying! The stress of passing and doing good, the stress of failing.  He wanted to do better, I get it but it was a good grade and I let him know that!  It was bothering him, and I am so happy he reached out about it and as a parent I or his dad was there to let him know, you did good, and we are proud of you!  I am so enjoying this experience of Rob's college years, it is another journey for him as well as for us!  So glad he knows we will be there for him every step of the way! Being close by and physically seeing him works for us! No regrets whats so ever that he went to a local college!  Another proud article from a proud parent!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day almost over!

Yeah, made it through another day, the debate is on tonight as we all know, wonder who will kick butt tonight with all the bullcrap from both sides!  And the winner is? how funny is that, it always turns out to be who came off as the best speaker and not about the issues!  I love being an american, but sometimes I hear Italy calling me saying come, come sit in my villa in Tuscany and have a nice glass of white wine and just relax!  LOL Just a dream my friends only way it could or would be real is if I hit the lottery and we all know the chances of that happening!