Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dream stealers!

Dream stealer's, the meaning is, people who try to put down something you are excited about and if you do not believe in yourself to the fullest steals that dream away from you! Let's say you believe in (my case Mary Kay Cosmetic, your gun ho about it and a dream stealer's starts using their negativity on you and beats you down, that is a dream stealer! It is very easy for a dream stealer to put things in your head, like your wasting your time, nothing will ever come out of that, find a real job, Stop wasting your money on this and anything there big mouths can say they will!  First thing is, find something you believe in, second thing is do not ask for advise, because it will be not what you want to hear, and third thing is to focus on your objective and that is to succeed and reach your goal!  Dream stealer's are everywhere, so remember stay away from them! God, I really need to follow my own advise, I really need to stay away from Dream stealers! LOL

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