Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Horoscope update (Aries) 9/5/12

Nothing like hitting it right, it reads:Your extra energy will kick in mid morning.There are things you should not do fast. Talking is one of them.   Okay, LOL now that is a horoscope worth reading, I did get out of the rut I was in and feeling (told you I am not bi-bolar) its the weather. Anyway the things I do fast is talking fast and talking to much. Sometimes logical things come out of this mouth of mine and than again loads of not so logical things come out!  My problem always has and most likely always will be not thinking before I talk!  Okay shoot me, that could be a big problem, I know but I have learned how to control this problem when need be, the talking fast part is a problem though still. Oh well a women's work is never done, so a note to me, talk slow very very slow!

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