Wednesday, September 5, 2012


To change the subject and hopefully my mood, I just remember I saw a movie of Julia Child's called Julie and Julia or visa versa, whatever anyway I finally saw the whole movie till the end after about 5 times trying to see it in its entirety and you know what it was good! Julia was never a favorite of mine growing up as a teenager (goes to show you how much I knew) I guess it was her voice that made me think her strange, but that was than and this is now and she was wonderful to say the least!  I loved the whole concept of the girl Julie writing a blog and doing one recipe a day from her cook book for one complete year! Not sure if you knew this but it was a true story of both Julie the writer and cook and Julia Child the cook!  I was disappointed in the end of movie, but that is for me to know and you to find out!  (No spoiler alert) here! I would have loved for them to ? Sorry no can say LOL  I really liked this movie even if it took me about 3 yrs to finally see the whole thing!  When you get a chance, if you have not seen it already take time to see this movie, I promise you it is really enjoyable!  Bon Appetite!  Always wanted to say that!  Isn't writing just grand!

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